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Create a multi-channel interaction


If you want to send messages to customers using multiple channels in the same interaction, you can do so by creating an interaction that contains multiple offers to represent each channel. Multi-channel interactions can save you time from creating a different interaction for each channel you want to send your offer through.

The steps on this page represent a simple interaction using SMS and email channels. This example can be modified as needed to fit your use case.

The video below walks through the process detailed on this page.


The following prerequisites are needed before creating this interaction.


You’ll need to create an audience in advance to use in your interaction. This audience should contain a split to send messages to customers opted in to each channel. The following image shows an example of a simple audience built for this use case.

An image of the audience builder in RPI that shows a filter using the

A sample audience created to use in a multi-channel interaction using email and SMS channels.


A multi-channel interaction requires multiple offers, one for each channel type you’re going to use. You’ll need to build these offers out before you build your interaction. The following images show sample offers built for this use case.


A sample email offer.

An image of the offer designer in RPI.

A sample SMS offer.

Connector setup

When configuring your offers in the interaction, you’ll need to choose the channel connector you want to use for each offer. These connectors should have been set up during the implementation of RPI, but if you need assistance setting up a new connector, check out our resources or contact

Design the interaction

The first step in creating any interaction is designing the interaction. The interaction we’re building in this example is a simple use case to send offers to email and SMS channels.

This interaction is just a sample. You may need to make changes to the design to fit the needs of your campaign.

To build the base of the interaction:

  1. From the RPI home page, go to the quick access menu and select Orchestration>Interactions>Create New Interaction.

  2. Choose Empty Interaction.

  3. From the Workflow Controls menu, drag the Manual trigger onto the workspace.

  4. From the Targeting menu, drag the Batch Audience activity over to the Manual trigger to create a connection between the two.

  5. From the Fulfillment menu, drag the Offer activity over to the Batch Audience activity to create a connection between the two.

  6. (Optional) Double-click on the offer to name it for the channel the offer will represent (e.g., “Email”, “SMS”). This will help you keep track of which offer is which.

  7. From the Fulfillment menu, drag a second Offer activity over to the Batch Audience activity to create a connection between the two.

  8. (Optional) Double-click on the second offer to name it for the channel the offer will represent (e.g., “Email”, “SMS”). This will help you keep track of which offer is which.

Your interaction design should look something like the example below.

Left-click and hold on a trigger or activity to drag it around the workspace into clean workflow design.

An image of the Interaction Designer in RPI. The image shows a workflow of a manual trigger connected to a Batch audience, which has two offers, labeled Email and SMS, branching outward from the Batch audience.

Sample interaction workflow for a multi-channel interaction.

Configuring the batch audience

Now that we’ve designed our interaction, we’ll need to configure the activities to set up the interaction for use. We’ll start with configuring the batch audience activity.

The steps below are the minimum requirements for configuring the batch audience. You may wish to further configure the batch audience beyond what is described in these steps.

To configure the batch audience:

  1. Select the Batch icon and choose Show Configuration Panel.

  2. On the General tab, under Audience, select the audience you’d like to use in this interaction.

  3. Select Done.

Configuring the email offer

The offers in this interaction will need to be configured individually. We’ll start with configuring the email offer.

The steps below are the minimum requirements for configuring the offer. You may wish to further configure the offer beyond what is described in these steps.

To configure the email offer:

  1. Select the Offer icon and choose Show Configuration Panel.

  2. On the General tab, under Offer, select the offer you’d like to use in this interaction.

  3. Under Channels, select Configure.

  4. Choose Add Channel.

  5. From the Channel dropdown, select the channel you’d like to use to send the offer.

  6. Select Done.

  7. Go to the Inputs tab.

  8. Under Available Outputs, turn off the Use all parent outputs toggle.

  9. Turn on the Email toggle.

  10. Select Done.

Configure the SMS offer

Next, we’ll configure the SMS offer.

The steps below are the minimum requirements for configuring the offer. You may wish to further configure the offer beyond what is described in these steps.

To configure the SMS offer:

  1. Select the Offer icon and choose Show Configuration Panel.

  2. On the General tab, under Offer, select the offer you’d like to use in this interaction.

  3. Under Channels, select Configure.

  4. Choose Add Channel.

  5. From the Channel dropdown, select the channel you’d like to use to send the offer.

  6. Select Done.

  7. Go to the Inputs tab.

  8. Under Available Outputs, turn off the Use all parent outputs toggle.

  9. Turn on the SMS toggle.

  10. Select Done.

Finalize your interaction

Now that our interaction is designed and configured, all we need to do is name and save the interaction to make it ready to activate.

To name and save the interaction:

  1. Select the default name “New Interaction*” and enter a unique name for the interaction.

  2. Select the Save icon from the toolbar.

  3. Choose a location to save your interaction.

  4. Select Save.

Your interaction is complete and ready to activate.

An image of the Interaction Designer in RPI.

The finalized sample multi-channel interaction.

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