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High-level campaign creation checklist

Campaign questions before starting

Selection Rules Designer

  • Is the Resolution correct for each rule?
  • Are the attributes used in the selection rule from the correct table?
  • Does the selection rule have a sibling selection? If yes, should it?
  • After testing selection rule, does the returned count seem correct?
  • Did you properly name the selection rule?
  • Did you save your selection rule?

Audience Designer

  • Is the correct Audience Definition selected?
  • Is the correct deduplication level selected?
  • Is Audience Level Metadata configured correctly?
    • Is Metadata required for segment level? If yes, is Segment Metadata configured correctly?

Offer Designer

  • Are properties Configured Correctly?
    • Is Sender Email Populated (Domain should be same as DNS entry)?
    • Is Sender Name Populated?
    • Is Subject Line Populated?
      • Is Subject line populated correctly with correct wording?
  • Does Offer contain both HTML and Text versions?
  • Do test emails execute successfully from Offer designer?
  • Is Offer valid within the Offer Designer?

Interaction Designer

  • Is the Interaction named correctly?
  • Is the interaction saved in the correct location?

Workflow Control

  • Is the Workflow control the correct type (Manual/Scheduled/Recurring)?

Scheduled Trigger

  • Is Scheduled Date Correct?

Recurring Trigger

  • Is Create Configured Correctly (Select One that Applies)?
    • Create “single workflow instance”? (Record can only be selected once for life of campaign.)
    • Create “new workflow instance”? (Record can be selected multiple times for life of campaign.)
  • Is Start Date set correctly?
  • Is Number of occurrences set (how many times should interaction execute)?
  • Recurrence - Is Frequency correctly set (daily/weekly/monthly/manual)?
  • Is Execution trigger time correctly set?


  • Are there delay triggers being used?
    • Is the timing set up correctly between delays?
    • Is there a specific input group being used? If yes, is it correct?

Audience Block

Batch Audience (can be used with all workflow controls)

  • Is the correct Audience selected?
  • Have placeholders been configured/set up?
  • Has Metadata been set within the outputs tab?
  • Are seeds required? If yes, have they been configured correctly within the Seeds tab?

Interactive Activity (can be used with all BUT Recurring workflow control)

  • Is the correct Audience selected?
  • Is recurrence configured based on requirements?
  • Have placeholders been configured/set up?
  • Has Metadata been set within the outputs tab?
  • Are seeds required? If yes, have they been configured correctly within the Seeds tab?

Offer Block

  • Is the correct offer selected?
  • Has the correct channel been configured?
  • Is Offer Level Metadata configured correctly?

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