Queue listener attributes information
A queue listener allows you to monitor a “listener queue” for the arrival of data. Data arrives in the form of JSON packages – placed on the queue either by an external system, or at submission of a web form. Within the setup of queue listeners, there are sets of parameters that are defined that reside in either the header section or within the repeater section of the JSON payloads.
Configured attributes
Header parameters
The header parameters are where the higher-level information resides within the JSON payload in regard to the data being passed. These data points are needed one time within the payload to populate the desired fields and information within an offer. For example: billing address, shipping address, brand, etc.
Header Parameters | Payload Field Name | Data Type | Sample Values |
Action Date |
| date | 04/07/2023 |
Action Type |
| nvarchar(100) | welcome, receipt |
Billing Address 1 |
| nvarchar(128) | 2604 Washington Rd |
Billing Address 2 |
| nvarchar(128) | Attn: Locker 29 |
Billing City |
| nvarchar(64) | Augusta |
Billing First Name |
| nvarchar(60) | Thomas |
Billing Last Name |
| nvarchar(60) | Woods |
Billing State |
| nvarchar(64) | GA |
Billing Zip Code |
| nvarchar(16) | 30904 |
Birthdate |
| date | 04/07/2022 |
Brand |
| nvarchar(50) | Callaway |
Campaign Code |
| nvarchar(50) | GreenJacket2023 |
Carrier |
| nvarchar(50) | UPS |
Cart Total |
| numeric(20,2) | 150.99 |
Client ID |
| bigint | 3124678 |
Coupon Amount |
| numeric(20,2) | 25.00 |
Coupon Code |
| nvarchar(50) | 25Off |
Customer ID |
| bigint | 4568795 |
| nvarchar(255) | TomWoods@gmail.com | |
Home Address 1 |
| nvarchar(128) | 123 Main St |
Home Address 2 |
| nvarchar(128) | Apt 29 |
Home City |
| nvarchar(64) | Wellesley |
Home Phone |
| nvarchar(15) | 781-562-8052 |
Home State |
| nvarchar(64) | MA |
Home Zip Code |
| nvarchar(16) | 01865 |
Individual ID |
| bigint | 1325648 |
List ID |
| nvarchar(50) | Masters2023 |
Loyalty ID |
| bigint | 2156489 |
Member ID |
| bigint | 8974531 |
Merchandise Total |
| numeric(20,2) | 125.89 |
Message |
| nvarchar(500) | Thank You |
Mobile Phone |
| nvarchar(15) | 781-587-9531 |
First Name |
| nvarchar(60) | Robert |
Last Name |
| nvarchar(60) | Fowler |
Order Date |
| datetime | 12/04/2022 |
Order Number |
| bigint | 132154 |
Order Status |
| nvarchar(20) | Shipped |
Order Total |
| numeric(20,2) | 250.00 |
Payment Amount 1 |
| numeric(20,2) | 50.00 |
Payment Amount 2 |
| numeric(20,2) | 50.00 |
Payment Amount 3 |
| numeric(20,2) | 50.00 |
Payment Amount 4 |
| numeric(20,2) | 50.00 |
Payment Amount 5 |
| numeric(20,2) | 50.00 |
Payment Expiration 1 |
| date | |
Payment Expiration 2 |
| date | 12/15/2024 |
Payment Expiration 3 |
| date | 11/17/2025 |
Payment Expiration 4 |
| date | 12/19/2025 |
Payment Expiration 5 |
| date | 8/15/2023 |
Payment Name 1 |
| nvarchar(25) | Cash |
Payment Name 2 |
| nvarchar(25) | Credit Card |
Payment Name 3 |
| nvarchar(25) | Credit Card |
Payment Name 4 |
| nvarchar(25) | Gift Card |
Payment Name 5 |
| nvarchar(25) | Credit Card |
Payment Number 1 |
| bigint | |
Payment Number 2 |
| bigint | 8879458923461236 |
Payment Number 3 |
| bigint | 3214521896175315 |
Payment Number 4 |
| bigint | 3214965937851486 |
Payment Number 5 |
| bigint | 2315687961781356 |
Payment Type 1 |
| nvarchar(15) | |
Payment Type 2 |
| nvarchar(15) | Visa |
Payment Type 3 |
| nvarchar(15) | Mastercard |
Payment Type 4 |
| nvarchar(15) | GiftCard |
Payment Type 5 |
| nvarchar(15) | Amex |
Phone Number |
| nvarchar(15) | 781-541-6572 |
Recipient First Name |
| nvarchar(50) | Alan |
Recipient Last Name |
| nvarchar(50) | Palmer |
Shipping Address 1 |
| nvarchar(128) | 9000 Bay Hill Boulevard |
Shipping Address 2 |
| nvarchar(128) | Attn: Pro Shop |
Shipping City |
| nvarchar(64) | Bay Hill |
Shipping First Name |
| nvarchar(60) | Vincent |
Shipping Last Name |
| nvarchar(60) | Hovland |
Shipping State |
| nvarchar(64) | FL |
Ship to Store |
| nvarchar(50) | |
Shipping Zip Code |
| nvarchar(16) | 01835 |
Shipping |
| numeric(20,2) | 5.99 |
Store Address 1 |
| nvarchar(128) | 789 Washington St |
Store City |
| nvarchar(64) | Burlington |
Store ID |
| bigint | 123146 |
Store State |
| nvarchar(64) | MA |
Store Zip Code |
| nvarchar(16) | 45136 |
Tax Amount |
| numeric(20,2) | 5.01 |
Total Cost |
| numeric(20,2) | 130.00 |
Transaction ID |
| bigint | 13215648 |
Repeater parameters
The repeater parameters are where the more detailed information resides within the JSON payload in regard to the data being passed. These data points can be sent multiple times within the payload to populate the desired fields and information within an offer. For example, you’re sending an order confirmation email and would like to populate all of the items the customer has purchased within the message. Within the repeater fields, you are able to send multiple sections in the payload to account for each of the items with information such as item description, item cost, item quantity, and also URLs for each item to display within the email message.
Repeater Parameters | Payload Field Name | Data Type | Sample Values |
Discount Segment |
| nvarchar(25) | |
Discount Type |
| nvarchar(25) | Buy3Get1Free |
Discount Description |
| nvarchar(25) | Buy3Get1Free |
Discount Amount |
| numeric(20,2) | 54.99 |
Item Coupon Code |
| nvarchar(50) | Buy3Get1Free |
Item Description |
| nvarchar(500) | Golf Balls |
Item Image Source URL |
| nvarchar(500) | |
Item Name |
| nvarchar(100) | Pro v1 Golf Ball |
Item Price |
| numeric(20,2) | 54.99 |
Item Quantity |
| nvarchar(50) | 4 |
Item SKU |
| nvarchar(50) | 21890145 |
Item Tax |
| numeric(20,2) | 2.50 |
Item Total |
| numeric(20,2) | 57.49 |
Item URL |
| nvarchar(500) | |
Order Item ID |
| bigint | 321549 |
Product Image URL |
| nvarchar(500) | |
Product URL |
| nvarchar(500) | |
Unit Price |
| numeric(20,2) | 54.99 |
Sample JSON payload
"TriggerKey": "7a406c38-62f0-46a8-b813-5ddf74029436",
"SendAddress": "TomWoods@gmail.com",
"Parameters": {
"action_date": "04/07/2023 12:00:00 AM",
"action_type": "welcome",
"bill_addr1": "2604 Washington Rd",
"bill_addr2": "Attn: Locker 29",
"bill_city": "Augusta",
"bill_first_name": "Thomas",
"bill_last_name": "Woods",
"bill_state": "GA",
"bill_zip": "30904",
"birthdate": "04/07/2022 12:00:00 AM",
"brand": "Callaway",
"campaign_code": "GreenJacket2023",
"carrier": "UPS",
"cart_link": "default",
"cart_total": "150.99",
"client_id": "3124678",
"coupon_amt": "25.00",
"coupon_code": "25Off",
"customer_id": "4568795",
"email": "TomWoods@gmail.com",
"home_addr1": "123 Main St",
"home_addr2": "Apt 29",
"home_city": "Wellesley",
"home_phone": "781-562-8052",
"home_state": "MA",
"home_zip": "01865",
"individual_id": "1325648",
"list_id": "Masters2023",
"loyalty_id": "2156489",
"member_id": "8974531",
"merch_total": "125.89",
"message": "Thank You",
"mobile_phone": "781-587-9531",
"name_first": "Robert",
"name_last": "Fowler",
"order_date": "12/04/2022 12:00:00 AM",
"order_number": "132154",
"order_status": "Shipped",
"order_total": "250.00",
"pay_amt1": "50.00",
"pay_amt2": "50.00",
"pay_amt3": "50.00",
"pay_amt4": "50.00",
"pay_amt5": "50.00",
"pay_exp1": "",
"pay_exp2": "12/15/2024 12:00:00 AM",
"pay_exp3": "11/17/2025 12:00:00 AM",
"pay_exp4": "12/19/2025 12:00:00 AM",
"pay_exp5": "08/15/2023 12:00:00 AM",
"pay_name1": "Cash",
"pay_name2": "Credit Card",
"pay_name3": "Credit Card",
"pay_name4": "Gift Card",
"pay_name5": "Credit Card",
"pay_num1": "",
"pay_num2": "8879458923461236",
"pay_num3": "3214521896175315",
"pay_num4": "3214965937851486",
"pay_num5": "2315687961781356",
"pay_type1": "",
"pay_type2": "Visa",
"pay_type3": "MasterCard",
"pay_type4": "GiftCard",
"pay_type5": "Amex",
"phone_number": "781-541-6572",
"recip_first_name": "Alan",
"recip_last_name": "Palmer",
"reward_create_date": "1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM",
"reward_expiration_date": "1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM",
"reward_expiration_value": "0.00",
"reward_value": "0.00",
"ship_addr1": "9000 Bay Hill Boulevard",
"ship_addr2": "Attn: Pro Shop",
"ship_city": "Bay Hill",
"ship_first_name": "Viktor",
"ship_last_name": "Hovland",
"ship_state": "FL",
"ship_to_store": "",
"ship_zip": "01835",
"shipping": "5.99",
"store_addr1": "789 Washington St",
"store_city": "Burlington",
"store_id": "123146",
"store_state": "MA",
"tax": "5.01",
"total_cost": "130.00",
"transaction_id": "13215648"
"RepeaterParameters": [
"discount_amt": "54.99",
"discount_desc": "Buy3Get1Free",
"discount_seg": "",
"discount_type": "Buy3Get1Free",
"item_coupon_code": "Buy3Get1Free",
"item_desc": "Golf Balls",
"item_img_src_url": "https://www.titleist.com/dw/image/v2/AAZW_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-titleist-master/default/dw7086bc18/T2028S_01.png?sw=650&sh=650&sm=fit&sfrm=png",
"item_name": "Pro V1 Golf Ball",
"item_price": "54.99",
"item_qty": "4",
"item_sku": "21890145",
"item_tax": "2.50",
"item_total": "57.49",
"item_url": "https://www.titleist.com/product/pro-v1/004PV1T.html",
"order_item_id": "321549",
"product_image_url": "https://www.titleist.com/dw/image/v2/AAZW_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-titleist-master/default/dwf8a4dc28/T2028S-H7_01.png?sw=650&sh=650&sm=fit&sfrm=png",
"product_url": "https://www.titleist.com/explore-golf-balls/",
"unit_price": "54.99"