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Redpoint + Snowflake + Meta

Architecture summary

In this reference solution architecture document, we present a strategic framework for integrating Redpoint Global's Customer Data Platform (CDP) with Snowflake's cloud-based data warehousing and analytics platform along with Meta’s marketing ecosystem. This integration is designed to leverage the strengths of each platform, facilitating a seamless flow of unified customer data from Redpoint CDP using Snowflake’s data warehousing and integrating Meta Marketing for targeted and personalized customer engagement.

By outlining the technical and strategic considerations, this document serves as a comprehensive guide for our internal users, partners, and clients, empowering them to effectively unify customer data, derive actionable insights, and make data-driven decisions with unparalleled speed and accuracy. The architecture aims to optimize data utilization across platforms, enhance data governance and security, and provide a single source of truth for first-party customer data to the Meta marketing ecosystem.

With Snowflake's scalable and high-performance data warehousing capabilities, organizations can efficiently store, manage, and analyze massive volumes of customer data, enabling real-time insights and personalized customer experiences. By integrating Redpoint CDP with Snowflake, businesses can unlock the full potential of their customer data, drive innovation, and gain a competitive edge in today's data-driven landscape. Additionally, by working in tandem with Meta, businesses can enhance personalization activities through targeted ads and acquisition campaigns across the Meta (Facebook and Instagram) ecosystem.

Example use cases

  • Unified customer view for personalized campaigns and experiences across multiple channels.

  • Advanced customer segmentation for targeted outreach

  • Real-time customer insights for immediate action

  • Predictive analytics to forecast customer behavior

  • Simplified data governance and compliance management

  • Enhanced data security and privacy controls

  • Scalable data storage for growing customer data volumes

  • Targeted, personalized customer ads placed in Meta applications

  • Powering look-alike audiences for ad placement in Meta applications

  • Meta ad reporting via Snowflake (optional)

Logical diagram


Key components and roles

  • Redpoint CDP

    • Unified profile of individuals

    • Identity resolution with key persistence

    • API-accessible single customer views

    • Audience definition / segmentation - first party data for onboarding

  • Snowflake

    • Data warehouse and storage

    • Secure data sharing

    • Data governance

    • Data modeling

    • Scalable point of data integration

  • Meta Ads Manager

    • Audience onboarding to Meta

    • Audience refinement - targeted ads and look-alikes

    • Personalized messaging

    • Collection of placement / response data

    • Reporting

    • Making aggregated data available (optional)

Data flows

Source system

Target system

Representative data

Transfer mechanism





Offer History
Modeling data





Web Events

Realtime Services




Real-time decisions
Visitor Profile



Transactional Systems







Model Scores
Next Best…





Offer History
Core Identity




Meta Ads Manager

Modeling data Transactional data Aggregates
Audiences / Cohorts


Milliseconds when using the API

Meta Ads Manager


Ad-level placement / response data


Milliseconds when using the API

Requires 3rd-party application and (potentially) an optional Meta service. This will enable Snowflake-based reporting on ad activity to be accessed for non-Meta Ads Manager users.

Data Science


Model Scores

Next Best…





Data Science

Offer History
Core Identity




Why does this architecture/solution make sense?

In this architecture, Redpoint CDP acts as the central hub for customer data collection, unification, and enrichment, serving as the single source of truth for customer data, both consuming data from and persisting data within Snowflake. Snowflake functions as the robust and scalable data storage and processing powerhouse, enabling efficient data warehousing, advanced analytics, and secure data sharing. By integrating these two platforms, organizations can create a seamless data pipeline that leverages the strengths of each system.

Redpoint CDP's ability to collect and refine customer data from various sources, coupled with its advanced identity resolution and data quality management capabilities, ensures that high-quality, unified customer profiles are readily available. Snowflake's cloud-based architecture and near-infinite scalability allow for the storage and processing of massive volumes of customer data, enabling real-time analytics and insights.

This integration empowers organizations to break down data silos, achieve a holistic view of their customers, and make data-driven decisions with unparalleled speed and accuracy. By leveraging Snowflake's data sharing capabilities, organizations can securely share customer insights across departments and with external partners, fostering collaboration and innovation. Moreover, the combined solution helps organizations maintain data governance and compliance with global data privacy regulations, as both platforms prioritize data security and privacy.

The Redpoint CDP + Snowflake architecture creates a powerful, end-to-end customer data management and analytics solution that drives personalized customer experiences, optimizes marketing strategies, and fuels business growth in today's data-driven landscape.

Furthermore, Integrating Meta Ads Manager enhances targeted ads and look-alike acquisition, enabling marketing to use follow-on campaigns, personalized customer journeys across multiple channels to enrich the customer relationship. Additionally, Meta helps collect marketing disposition data from their ad placements and feeds it back to Snowflake. This feedback provides a comprehensive view of ad spend and effectiveness, facilitating further refinement of customer engagement strategies in the social channels. Together, these tools create a seamless and data-driven communication ecosystem that aligns with modern marketing needs.

Business benefits

  1. 360-Degree Customer View: By integrating Redpoint CDP, Snowflake, and Meta Ads Manager, organizations can achieve a comprehensive, unified view of their customers, enabling them to deliver highly personalized experiences, improve customer satisfaction, and increase customer lifetime value.

  2. Enhanced Data-Driven Decision Making: The combination of Redpoint CDP's data unification and enrichment capabilities with Snowflake's advanced analytics and real-time data processing, along with Meta’s targeted ad placement and disposition data collection, empowers businesses to make informed, data-driven decisions that drive growth, optimize marketing strategies, and improve operational efficiency and return on ad spend (ROAS).

  3. Scalability and Performance: Snowflake's cloud-based architecture and near-infinite scalability, coupled with Redpoint CDP's robust data management capabilities, allow organizations to efficiently store, process, and analyze massive volumes of customer data, ensuring optimal performance and the ability to grow with the business. Integrating Meta for outbound delivery of audiences further increases the reach of the platform.

  4. Secure Data Sharing and Collaboration: Snowflake's secure data sharing features, combined with Redpoint CDP's data governance and compliance capabilities, enable organizations to safely share customer insights across departments and with external partners (such as Meta), fostering collaboration, innovation, and data-driven decision-making.

  5. Reduced Data Silos and Improved Efficiency: By integrating Redpoint CDP, Snowflake, and Meta, businesses can break down data silos, streamline data management processes, and reduce the time and effort required to derive valuable customer insights, ultimately improving operational efficiency and reducing costs.

Technical benefits

  1. Unified and Enriched Customer Data: Redpoint CDP's advanced data unification and enrichment capabilities consolidate customer data from various sources, creating a single, comprehensive view of each customer and enhancing data quality for accurate analysis and targeting.

  2. Scalable and High-Performance Data Warehousing: Snowflake's cloud-based architecture and near-infinite scalability enable organizations to store, manage, and process massive volumes of customer data efficiently, ensuring optimal performance and the ability to handle growing data needs.

  3. Real-Time Data Processing and Analytics: Snowflake's real-time data processing capabilities, combined with Redpoint CDP's data streaming features, allow organizations to analyze customer data and derive actionable insights in real-time, enabling faster decision-making and more responsive customer engagement.

  4. Seamless Data Integration and Connectivity: The integration between Redpoint CDP and Snowflake is streamlined, leveraging Snowflake's ODBC and JDBC drivers for efficient querying and data transfer. AEP offers various connectivity approaches, including APIs and direction connection methods, further supporting the goal of providing seamless data integrations. This simplifies the process of connecting the platforms and reduces the complexity of managing data pipelines, saving time and resources.

  5. Robust Data Security and Compliance: Both Redpoint CDP and Snowflake prioritize data security and privacy, offering advanced security features such as encryption, access controls, and data governance tools to protect sensitive customer data and ensure compliance with global data privacy regulations.

  6. Collaborative Data Sharing and Accessibility: Snowflake's secure data sharing capabilities allow organizations to easily share customer data and insights across departments and with external partners, such as Meta Ads Manager.

  7. Simplified Data Governance and Lineage: The combined solution simplifies data governance by providing tools for data lineage tracking, data cataloging, and metadata management. This ensures that data is consistently and accurately defined, making it easier to maintain data quality, comply with regulations, and track data usage across the organization.

Overall architectural considerations

The Meta ecosystem is, by nature, self-contained. Redpoint provides API connectivity to that ecosystem via Meta Ads Manager, providing marketers with a robust set of data on which to base customer data on which to base audiences for onboarding to Meta’s social channels. Unfortunately, Meta does not provide specific ad placement or response data back to Redpoint or Snowflake, but certainly can in the aggregate for reporting purposes.

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