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AO Business Keyword Parser


Advanced Object (AO) Business Keyword Parser takes a business name as input and uses a user-defined table of values to generate two separate fields for matching purposes. There are two inputs: the data input stream, and the look-up table used for parsing and standardization (K input). The macro produces a single output containing two fields:

  • Business_Main: the significant part of Firm Name (for example, National Insurance Company of Ohio).

  • Business_Keyword: is the qualifying part of Firm Name (for example, National Insurance Company of Ohio).

See the Repository Samples folder for an example of AO Business Keyword Parser in use.

AO Business Keyword Parser configuration parameters

AO Business Keyword Parser has a single set of configuration parameters in addition to the standard execution options.





(Required) Field containing business name.

  • Default: none

Key/Split lookup table

The keyword table should be in TXT or CSV format and contain up to three columns: Value, Category, and (optionally) user-defined Standard.




(Required) User-defined values to be used in parsing.

  • Default: none


(Required) Indicates whether Values are KEY or SPLIT. Values such as at, of, and in are good examples of SPLIT. Values such as NJ, NY, and Colorado are good examples of type KEY. Used to separate Business_Main from Business_Keyword on output based on user-defined keywords.

  • Default: none


(Optional) Used to standardize selected Values on output.


  • OH to Ohio

  • NM to New Mexico

  • Cndn to Canadian

The default is None.

Configure AO Business Keyword Parser

  1. Connect the AO Business Keyword Parser macro to two inputs: the data input stream and the user-defined table for parsing and standardization (K input).

  2. Select AO Business Keyword Parser.

  3. Go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  4. Select Business and choose the field containing the business name.

  5. Select Value and choose the field containing the values to be used in parsing.

  6. Select Category and choose the field that specifies whether Value is to be applied as KEY or SPLIT during parsing.

  7. Optionally, select Standard and choose the field containing the standardized version of Value.

  8. Optionally, select parsing Options:

    • Select Detect key after split to recognize unknown key variants that appear after SPLIT.

    • Select Standardize all firm words to enable standardization of KEY terms in both Business_Keyword and Business_Main output fields.

  9. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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