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AO Match Group Differences


Advanced Object (AO) Match Group Differences accepts as input two sets of Match ID produced by different matching processes and outputs either the differences or similarities between their match groups. It is especially useful for tuning matching processes and identifying multiple-person households. Essentially, you are comparing the group counts from two different match processes, and flagging the records belonging to groups whose count has changed.

AO Match Group Differences produces the same record schema on output as on input, but with some records removed.

To see an example of this Advanced Object in action, open the AO Matching/Samples folder, and then open the Consumer Matching Sample Hierarchical project.

AO Match Group Differences configuration parameters

AO Match Group Differences has a single set of configuration parameters.



Match ID 1

(Required) Match group ID from the matching process with the looser match thresholds.

  • Default: blank

Match count 1

(Required) Match count field assigned using AO Match Append Info. Contains the number of records in each record's match group. Unique records have a count of 1.

  • Default: blank

Match ID 2

(Required) Match group ID from the matching process with the tighter match thresholds.

  • Default: blank

Match count 2

(Required) Match count field assigned using AO Match Append Info. Contains the number of records in each record's match group. Unique records have a count of 1.

  • Default: blank

Flag match group

Specifies whether differences or similarities between match groups in the two inputs are identified.

  • Default: differences

Sort output

If selected, sorts the output by ID 1, then ID 2.

  • Default: no

Configure AO Match Group Differences

  1. Select the AO Match Group Differences icon.

  2. Go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  3. Select Match ID 1 and choose the field containing the Match ID from the matching process with looser match thresholds.

  4. Select Match count 1 and choose the field containing the Match count field assigned by the upstream matching process with looser match thresholds.

  5. Select Match ID 2 and choose the field containing the Match ID from the matching process with tighter match thresholds.

  6. Select Match count 2 and choose the field containing the Match count field assigned by the upstream matching process with tighter match thresholds.

  7. Select Flag match group and specify whether to identify Differences or similarities (Same) between match groups.

  8. Optionally, select Sort output to sort the output by Match ID 1 and then by Match ID 2.

  9. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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