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AO Match Super ID


This macro creates an additional relationship between two sets of IDs. This is commonly used in the financial area to identify so-called "snowbird" or "sweetheart" IDs. allowing all members of households with any common member to be assigned a common ID.

To see an example of this Advanced Object in action, open the AO Matching/Samples folder and then open the Consumer Matching Sample SuperID project. Note that this project requires a licensed CASS module to run.

AO Match Super ID configuration parameters

AO Match Super ID has a single set of configuration parameters:




Unique specific ID

Unique numeric ID for more specific entity, such as individual. This is typically assigned by an upstream matching process. Default: Blank.

Unique generic ID

Unique numeric ID for more generic entity, such as family. This is typically assigned by an upstream matching process. Default: Blank.




Super ID

Output. Super ID unique ID number. Default: SUPER_ID.

Configure AO Match Super ID

To configure AO Match Super ID:

  1. Select the AO Match Super ID icon, and then go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  2. Select Unique specific ID, and select the field containing the individual ID.

  3. Select Unique general ID, and select the field containing the family or household ID.

  4. Optionally, select Super ID and edit the field name for the output ID.

  5. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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