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Compress and Decompress


The Compress tool lets you compress binary data on a field-by-field basis using GZIP, ZLIB, or ZIP compression. You can use Data Management's DecodeTextBytes and EncodeTextBytes functions to translate between bytes and strings.

To compress all output, configure a CSV Output tool to write the data as one or more gzip-compressed files.

Compress tool configuration parameters

The Compress tool has a single set of configuration parameters in addition to the standard execution options.



Field to compress

Binary field to be compressed.

Compression method

Compression method to use. One of:

Configure the Compress tool

  1. Select the Compress tool.

  2. Go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  3. Select the binary Field to compress.

  4. Select a Compression method.


If your input data includes binary fields that have been compressed using GZIP, ZLIB, or ZIP compression, you can use the Decompress tool to decompress the data. You can use Data Management's DecodeTextBytes and EncodeTextBytes functions to translate between bytes and strings.

Decompress tool configuration parameters

The Decompress tool has a single set of configuration parameters in addition to the standard execution options:


Field to decompress

Binary field to be decompressed.

Decompression method

Decompression method to use. One of:

Configure the Decompress tool

  1. Select the Decompress tool.

  2. Go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  3. Select the binary Field to decompress.

  4. Select the Compression method.

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