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Count Work Days

The Count Work Days macro counts the number of working days between start and end dates, with an optional holidays table. It assumes a five-day work week with Saturday and Sunday as non-work days.

Count Work Days macro configuration parameters

The Count Work Days macro has a single set of configuration parameters:

Start date

Field containing date of first work day. Default: None.

End date

Field containing date of last work day. Default: None.


Optional table in DLD format listing dates of non-working holidays. Default: None.

Configure the Count Work Days macro

  1. Select the Count Work Days icon, and then select the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  2. Select Start date and select the field containing the date of first work day.

  3. Select End date and select the field containing the date of last work day.

  4. Optionally, select Table and browse to the path and file name for a table in DLD format listing dates of non-working holidays.

  5. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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