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Explore the sample project

You can download the SDK sample pack and SDK javadocs at the Redpoint Global support site.

After downloading the sample pack, you can find source code for the samples in the net.redpoint.dataflow.samples package, under samples\src\main\java.

The SDK sample pack contains a variety of simple tools that demonstrate the capabilities of the SDK.


This tool reads a comma-delimited file from the server's filesystem and produces a stream of Records. Key concepts include:

  • Implementing InputTool

  • The @FileBrowse annotation so that user can browse for an input file

  • The @SchemaEditor annotation so the user can edit the input file Schema directly

  • The @Trigger annotation to hide and show a dependent control


This tool reads from the input connector, converts all text fields to lowercase, appends an integer field containing the total number of converted characters, and copies the unchanged fields through to the output connector. Key concepts include:

  • Implementing TransformTool

  • Modifying an input Schema to produce a derived output Schema

  • Using RecordCopier to efficiently copy fields from input to output Records


This tool accepts a stream of records and writes a comma-delimited file to the server's filesystem. Key concepts include:

  • Implements OutputTool

  • The @FileBrowse annotation so that user can browse for an output file

  • Call context.tracemessage() to output a message to the project log


This tool reads two inputs, performs a single-field equality join, and outputs the joined records. Key concepts include:

  • Implements GeneralTool

  • Shows how the getInputConnectorTypes() and getOutputConnectorTypes() methods tell RPDM which connectors are available

  • Shows how to read records from RecordSourceBlocking and write to RecordDestinationBlocking

  • Shows how to create an output Schema that is a combination of the two input Schemas


This tool outputs the values of all of its user-settable properties. it demonstrates various options for configuring properties and annotations. Key concepts include:

  • Implements InputTool

  • Demonstrates a wide spectrum of UI property annotations for the basic controls

  • Use of @Tab@GroupStart@GroupEnd annotations for layout control

  • Use of @Trigger and @MultiTrigger annotations to hide/show/enable/disable other controls


This tool demonstrates how a transform tool can copy fields and their values between input and output records. Key concepts include:

  • Implements TransformTool

  • Uses RecordCopier to copy fields from input to output efficiently


This tool breaks up input strings into tokens (or words). Key concepts include:

  • Implements GeneralTool

  • Implements HasDynamicConnectors to support optional input and output connectors


This tool simulates the analysis of an input source and populating a Schema that is shown in the UI (User Interface). Key concepts include:

  • Uses the @Schema annotation to indicate a schema display in the UI

  • Implements HasDynamicUI to support user actions and server-side update of the property display

  • Uses @PushButton and @Action to tell the server when a button is pressed in the UI

  • Implements handleUIAction() to simulate the Schema analysis


This tool simulates the population of a "data sample" UI component in response to a user action. Key concepts include:

  • Uses the @DataView annotation to indicate a sample data display in the UI

  • Implements HasDynamicUI to support user actions and server-side update of the property display

  • Uses @PushButton and @Action to tell the server when a button is pressed in the UI

  • Implements handleUIAction() to simulate the sample data population


This tool shows how to build a table control in the UI that lets the user edit a list of objects. Key concepts include:

  • Implements TransformTool and performs the list of user-specifed operations

  • Uses the @Table annotation to indicate a table (grid) control in the UI

  • Defines a nested class (POJO) that represents the row elements for the table control

  • Annotates the fields of the nested class to indicate the control type for each column in the table control

  • Uses the @FieldSelect annotation to let the user choose input fields

  • Uses the @DropList annotation with an enum field type to automatically populate the drop-list contents from the enum values


This tool shows how to create and configure various dynamic user interface controls, and handle the UI actions they generate. Key concepts include:

  • Use of the Action and DynamicEnabled and DynamicVisible annotations to enable/disable or show/hide controls based on user action

  • Use of the Action and DynamicItems annotations to populate a DropList based on user action

  • Use of an enum, an inner class, and Table annotations to build an editable associative map in a grid control

  • Use of the handleUIAction method to capture and respond to user actions


This tool elaborates on concepts introduced in DynamicUI1SampleTool, and shows:

  • Use of the PushButton and Action annotations with the handleUIAction method to demonstrate progress dialogs

  • Use of the Action annotation and the handleUIAction method to update control and label values


This tool shows how to to share settings between tools, and allow those settings to be overridden on a tool-by-tool basis using the OverridableSettings annotation and a Settings subclass.

SuperSettingsToolBase and SuperSettingsToolDerived

These tools show how to use inheritance in your SDK tools, allowing them to share both settings and processing logic. SuperSettingsToolDerived pulls in settings from the superclass defined in SuperSettingsToolBase.


This tool shows how to create and configure menus and submenus using the Menu annotation. Key concepts include:

  • Menus and submenus

  • Menus with icons


This tool shows how the GeneralTool interface can be combined with recursion to walk an XML tree, flattening it into a stream of values and the XPath expressions describing their location in the document.

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