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International Phone

The International Phone tool validates and standardizes international phone numbers using Google's common Java library for validating and formatting international phone numbers. It accepts a phone number and dialing region as input, and outputs the standardized phone number along with several diagnostic fields.

International Phone tool configuration parameters

The International Phone tool has a single set of configuration parameters in addition to the standard execution options:

Phone field

Input field containing the phone number to be parsed and validated.

Region field

Input field containing the dialing region, expressed as a two-letter  ISO code (GB).


Desired output format for the parsed phone number:

  • INTERNATIONAL number notation uses a leading plus (+) as an international prefix symbol, immediately followed by the country code. Country code, area code, and subscriber number are separated by spaces.
    Example: +22 607 123 4567

  • NATIONAL number notation attempts to use Region field to determine the preferred number format.
    Example: 0115 933 4567

  • RFC3966 numbers conform to the URI scheme "tel"  for phone numbers.
    Example: +22-607-123-4567;ext=101

  • E164 numbers can have a maximum of fifteen digits and are usually written as follows: [+][country code][subscriber number including area code].
    Example: +226071234567

Configure the International Phone tool

  1. Select the International Phone tool, and then go to the Input tab.

  2. Select Phone field and select the input field containing the phone number.

  3. Select Region field and select the input field containing the country/region field.

  4. Select Format and select the desired output format for the parsed phone number.

  5. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

International Phone tool output fields

The International Phone tool outputs two diagnostic fields for each input phone number: phone number type (PHONE_NUM_TYPE), and validation result (VALIDATION_RESULT).

Phone number types




Landline (phone that uses a metal wire or fiber optic telephone line for transmission).


Mobile cellular line.


In some regions (such as the USA), it is impossible to distinguish between fixed-line and mobile numbers by looking at the phone number itself.


Phone number that is billed for all arriving calls instead of incurring charges to the originating  caller.


Call in which services are provided. Unlike a normal call, part of the call charge is paid to the service provider. See


Cost of call is shared between the caller and the recipient, and is typically less than PREMIUM_RATE calls. See


Voice over IP numbers, including TSoIP (Telephony Service over IP).


Number associated with a particular person, and may be routed to either a MOBILE or FIXED_LINE number. See


Number associated with a wireless telecommunications device that receives and displays alphanumeric messages, or receives and announces voice messages.


"Universal Access Numbers" or "Company Numbers." These may be further routed to specific offices, and allow a single number to be used for a company.


Number associated with a voicemail system.


Does not fit any of the known patterns for a specific region.

Validation results




Number length matches that of valid numbers for this region.


Number length matches that of local numbers for this region only (number that may be able to be dialed within an area, but does not have all the information to be dialed from anywhere inside or outside the country).


Number has an invalid country calling code.


Number is shorter than all valid numbers for this region.


Number is shorter than the longest valid numbers for this region, and does not itself have a number length that matches valid numbers for this region.


Number is longer than all valid numbers for this region.

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