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Straight Compare and Straight Compare Identical Schema

Straight Compare

The Straight Compare macro compares all fields of two inputs positionally, record-by-record. The inputs do not need to have identical schemas and record counts. The "R" Records output contains one entry for each field value that mismatches between the two sides. The "F" Fields output contains one entry for each row-cell that exists on one input but not the other.

The Straight Compare macro has no configurable properties.

Straight Compare Identical Schema

The Straight Compare Identical Schema macro compares all fields of two inputs positionally, record-by-record. The inputs must have identical schemas and record counts, or the macro fails with an error message. The output contains one entry for each row-cell whose values differs on the left and right sides. Optionally, you may include up to five input fields that are appended on output. For example, if you are comparing the results of address standardization, it is useful to include the ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, and ZIP fields from the input to give the comparison results some context.

Straight Compare Identical Schema macro configuration parameters

The Straight Compare Identical Schema macro has a single set of optional configuration parameters.



Attach field1...Attach field5

Optional input fields to append on output.

  • Default: blank

Configure the Straight Compare Identical Schema macro

  1. Select the Straight Compare Identical Schema icon.

  2. Go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  3. Optionally, select Attach field1 and choose input fields to append to output. You may specify up to five input fields.

  4. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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