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Email service provider: Amazon SES


This page provides instructions on configuring Amazon SES configuration.

A prerequisite for these instructions is obtaining your AWS access keys which consist of an access key ID and a secret key.

Set up configuration set

Create a set

Amazon SES configuration set allows event publishing to track email activities

  1. On your web browser, login to AWS console service portal.

  2. Navigate to Amazon Simple Email Service (SES).

  1. Select Configuration and choose Configuration sets on left navigation bar.

  1. Select Create set.

  2. Enter the Configuration set name and select Create set.

Add a destination

  1. On the configuration set page, select the Event destinations tab.

  1. Select Add destination.

  2. Choose your event types and select Next.

  1. Enter an event destination name and select Create SNS topic.

  1. Enter a Topic name and select Create topic.

  1. Select the AWS SNS topic you created from the dropdown and select Next.

  1. Review your event destination and select Add destination.

Create subscription

  1. On the event destination page, under Destination Type select Amazon SNS.

  1. Select the topic you created.

  1. In the subscription panel, select Create subscription.

  1. Fill in these fields:

    • Protocol: Select HTTPS.

    • Endpoint: Enter the Amazon SES Callback Service server.

  1. Select Create subscription.

You’ll be redirected to the subscription you created. The Status is “Pending confirmation”. You’ll need to confirm the subscription before AWS starts posting notifications.

Confirm the subscription

  1. In your browser, navigate to AWS SES callback service (http://<server name>/status/<RPI Client ID>).

  2. In the EmailMetricsLocationStatus section, copy the AWS Subscribe URL to your browser to confirm the subscription on the AWS SNS Topic event publishing.

NOTE: Estimated duration to send email

This is an estimated time duration when sending 1000 emails. As tested in a AWS SES sandbox, the average completion time for API call to send email usually takes 350ms. This estimated duration is expected to be less when using a production AWS SES account.

  • Marketing - 1 email per API call: 1000 api calls(1000 emails) x 350 ms = 350,000 ms / 350 secs / 5mins 50secs (Estimated api call completion time to send 1000 emails)

  • Operational - 50 emails per API call: 20 api calls(1000 emails) x 350 ms = 7,000 ms / 7 secs (Estimated api call completion time to send 1000 emails)

Collect the AWS service IP addresses

To configure the callback service to allow specific inbound traffic, you’ll need to get the AWS service IP ranges.

  1. On your browser, navigate to

  2. In the Download section, select ip-ranges.json.

  1. Open the json file and use the ip_prefix for each region to get the IP address range.

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