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Learning Portal


Redpoint Training refers to its Learning Management System (LMS) as the Learning Portal. It is a paid subscription service that allows its users to learn about how to use Redpoint products and some of the features and capabilities available.

Some of the material on the Learning Portal is also shared in this Training Center, such as Technical Webinars and Learning the Ropes, which are quick videos that show you how to configure and use a feature of the Redpoint environment.


To access the learning portal:

  1. Go to the login page.

  2. Enter your username (usually your work email).

  3. Enter your password (your password is set up in the initial login email that you would have received if you were part of a subscription or live class).

To gain access to the Learning Portal, please contact

What’s available

The following PDF lists the currently available content in the Learning Portal. It is updated at the beginning of each quarter to reflect any additions from the previous quarter.


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