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Learning the Ropes: Redpoint Realtime

Email Link Tracking

Shows how to configure a PURL adapter in Redpoint Interaction (RPI) so that you can use it to add web tracking information to links within your email.

Open Time Email

Explains how to use a Rule Smart Asset with images to add Realtime capability to an outbound offer with rendering image content at the time of the email being opened as opposed to being sent.

Visitor Profile

Explains the Visitor Profile, which is key to Realtime execution in Redpoint. It explains the type of information stored and how it is affected through Realtime events.

Journey from Anon to Known

Explains the Realtime process of going from an anonymous user on a travel website to a known one after a "discovery" event. We look at the different types of targeting to be used based on knowledge of the individual starting from A/B testing and through personalized next best action suggestions.

Realtime Layouts

Shows how to create Realtime Layouts in RPI to control the Assets for a Realtime environment to include area placement and configuration.

How to Create and Use Tag Smart Assets

Shows how to create and use Tag Smart Assets with Realtime Communication to assist with loading multiple data tags to a website.

How to Create and Use a Cached Attribute List (CAL)

Shows how to create a Cached Attribute List used with Database Realtime Decisions in Redpoint Interaction.

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