FAQs: Upgrading to RPI v7.x
What will happen to RPI v6.x?
Redpoint is committed to supporting you and ensuring that you have the necessary time to plan for this infrastructure change. June 2025 is the target for end of life for v6.x, but we’ll work closely with you to ensure no interruption in service.
Innovation to RPI v6.x will be limited. We will continue to resolve any bugs.
How do I schedule an upgrade?
If you determine that your organization needs assistance for the migration of RPI from v6 to v7, please contact support@redpointglobal.com.
Will I be charged for an upgrade?
Licensing will not be an additional cost, nor will our standard support costs. However, there may be additional internal costs for the hosting organization to deploy the new infrastructure, or there may be services costs to assist with the migration.
A connector our organization uses is not available in the latest release of v7.x, when will it be available?
Redpoint will publish a list of connectors slated for release in upcoming iterations of v7. Redpoint Product Management will continue to work closely with the Customer Success and Services teams to identify priority connectors for inclusion in future releases. If you have questions please contact your Customer Success or Account Director or email support@redpointglobal.com.
Can I run Linux containers on my existing Windows server?
It may work, but this is not recommended for a production environment.
One of the many benefits of Kubernetes, when deployed correctly into a multi-node cluster, is high availability. By deploying a containerized version of RPI onto a single node, you do not get this benefit, so it defeats the purpose.
What skillset is needed to maintain a containerized environment?
While the general recommendation is to run any containerized workload in Kubernetes, this is not a hard requirement. Depending on your preferred container platform, you will want engineers experienced with that platform.
General container layer management (pulling images from registries, working with helm charts and the values files that customize the deployments, monitoring the environment).
Networking, networking, networking.
Applications must make connections to external resources such as databases and storage systems. Those require the networking to be in place and working. Engineers must understand their network and how to allow traffic through to the necessary resources elsewhere on their network.
Engineers must also understand ingress controllers and how to allow traffic from the “external network” into their cluster network.
For more detailed information about the skills required, refer to Plan your RPI v7.x upgrade.