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Individual BU Product Category summary

The following table delineates the Individual BU Product Category summary.

All amounts are calculated based on global currency amounts (NOT local).


Column name

Column definition

Business rule


Uniquely identifies a record in individual product category summary that contains aggregates specific to the association of individual, business unit, and product category.   

Concatenation of distinct combination of individual_business_unit_id from INDIVIDUAL_BUSINESS_UNIT and product_category_code from PRODUCT_CATEGORY_LOOKUP joined to TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY


Identifies unique association between an individual and business unit.  

Distinct individual_business_unit_id from INDIVIDUAL_BUSINESS_UNIT joined to TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.


Code that defines product's category. The range of products sold by a retailer is broken down into discrete groups of similar or related products; examples of grocery categories might be: detergents, toothpastes.

product_category_code portion of individual_bu_product_category_id, select from TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.  


Product category description.



Uniquely identifies the individual record that can be an individual, a prospect, or a lead, and represents an integrated view of the individual.

individual_id portion of individual_business_unit_id joined to TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY


A code that uniquely identifies the brand and region within the organization. Default value is enterprise

business_unit_code from INDIVIDUAL_BUSINESS_UNIT based on a distinct combination of individual_id and business_unit_code joined to TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY


Total of net sales for this individual_business_unit_id per distinct product category of the record (returns & cancelations included in calculations).

sum(TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.global_net_sales_amount where transaction_detail_status_code NOT in (demand, canceled) for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code


Total number of purchased items for this individual_business_unit_id per distinct product category of the record (returns & cancelations included in calculations).

Count (*) of records from TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY where transaction_detail_status_code NOT in (demand, canceled) for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code


First purchase date; the date of earliest known purchase transaction per distinct product category of the record (in-store purchased items & eComm shipped items flagged as sale). 

(min)TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.transaction_datetime where transaction_detail_status_code in (sale, confirmed) and global_net_sales_amount > 0 for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code


Amount of the earliest known purchase transaction per distinct product category of the record (in-store purchased items & eComm shipped items flagged as sale). 

sum(TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.global_net_sales_amount) that share the same transaction_id with (min)transaction_datetime where transaction_detail_status_code in (sale, confirmed) for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code


Number of days since the first_purchase_date for this individual_business_unit_id per distinct product category of the record. 

Calculate(DiffDays( CurrentDate(  ), asdate(first_purchase_date ))) for this product_category_code


Most recent purchase date; the date of latest known purchase transaction per distinct product category of the record (in-store purchased items & eComm shipped items flagged as sale). 

(max)TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.transaction_datetime where transaction_detail_status_code in (sale, confirmed) and global_net_sales_amount > 0 for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code


Amount of the most recent known purchase transaction per distinct product category of the record (in-store purchased items & eComm shipped items flagged as sale). 

sum(TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.global_net_sales_amount) that share the same transaction_id with (max)transaction_datetime where transaction_detail_status_code in (sale, confirmed) for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code


Number of days since the last_purchase_date for this individual_business_unit_id per distinct product category of the record.

Calculate(DiffDays( CurrentDate(  ), asdate(last_purchase_date ))) for this product_category_code


Sum of all transactions with a status code of RETURNED per distinct product category of the record.

sum(TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.global_net_sales_amount where transaction_detail_status_code = RETURNED for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code


Total number of returned items by this individual_business_unit_id  per distinct product category of the record. 

sum(coalesce(casewhen TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.transaction_detail_status_code = RETURNED then coalesce(TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.product_qty, 0)end, 0))as total_returns_qty


Net spend (amount of sales minus amount of returns and price adjustments) within specified time period for this individual_business_unit_id per distinct product category of the record.

sum(TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.global_net_sales_amount) where transaction_detail_status_code NOT in (demand, canceled) and transaction_datetime is within specified time period for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code


Net spend (amount of sales minus amount of returns and price adjustments) within specified time period for this individual_business_unit_id per distinct product category of the record.

sum(TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.global_net_sales_amount) where transaction_detail_status_code NOT in (demand, canceled) and transaction_datetime is within specified time period for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code


Net spend (amount of sales minus amount of returns and price adjustments) within specified time period for this individual_business_unit_id per distinct product category of the record.

sum(TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.global_net_sales_amount) where transaction_detail_status_code NOT in (demand, canceled) and transaction_datetime is within specified time period for this individual_business_unit_id for this product_category_code

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