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Redpoint CDP summaries and aggregates


Redpoint CDP summary tables and aggregates are a key aspect of the Redpoint CDP offering. There are core summaries and aggregates, like the Golden Record Summary and Contact Authorization, and vertical-specific calculations, like Transaction and Retail Summaries for Retail. These summaries have rules for each of the calculated fields documented. This section documents the summary tables and rules for reference.

These aggregates are based on the various data that can be ingested to the CDP based on the data provided in the feed layouts. The feed layouts populate the base tables within the Redpoint CDP, and then the set of aggregates are executed to summarize this data and provide a set of summary tables to support segmentation, campaign execution, and data analysis, among other uses.

  • These are the base set of aggregations; additional or customized aggregates can be defined if needed.

  • The Business rules column in the summary tables includes table column values or aggregate calculations, as appropriate.

  • Table, column, value, and property casing (e.g., upper, lower, etc.) may vary in your instance.

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