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AO Cross-Source Summary Report


The Advanced Object (AO) Cross-Source Summary Report macro accepts an input containing two columns—Source, and Match ID or Group ID—and produces a single output containing a string listing the unique sources within each match group, and the number of times the combination occurs.

AO Cross-Source Summary Report configuration parameters

AO Cross-Source Summary Report has a single set of configuration parameters.



Match ID

(Required) The Match ID (or Group ID) generated by a matching process. This defines the match groups.

  • Default: blank


(Required) The source name, typically assigned using AO Define Source. This is used to determine how many sources are involved in a match group.

Shorter source name strings are more easily readable in the crosstab output.

  • Default: blank

Configure AO Cross-Source Summary Report

  1. Select the AO Cross-Source Summary Report icon.

  2. Go the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  3. Select Match ID and choose the field containing the match ID generated by the upstream matching process.

  4. Select Source name and choose the source name, typically assigned using an upstream AO Define Source macro.

  5. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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