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Connect tools


If you have AutoConnect enabled, you can automatically connect tools when you add them to a project.

To connect tools in a project

Do one of the following:

  • Using the mouse, point to the upstream tool until the pointer turns into a hand icon, and then drag a line from the upstream tool to the downstream tool until it connects.

  • Select two tools, then right-click and choose the desired connection from the Connect context menu.


To remove a connector from a project

  1. Using the mouse, select the connector.

  2. Press the Delete key.

When you delete a downstream tool, its connector is also automatically deleted.


AutoConnect automatically connects tools as you drag them onto your project from the palette.

To turn AutoConnect on or off:

  1. On the View menu, select User Settings.

  2. On the Properties pane, select or clear AutoConnect.

AutoConnect on delete

AutoConnect on delete automatically connects around a deleted tool.

To configure AutoConnect on delete:

  1. On the View menu, select User Settings.

  2. On the Properties pane, select AutoConnect on delete, and then select the desired option:

    • Ask me: displays a dialog box each time you delete a selected tool.

    • Shift + Delete: connects around a selected tool only when you press Shift + Delete.

    • Never: never connects around a deleted tool.

    • Always: always connects around a deleted tool.

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