DateTime functions
Data Management's DateTime functions extract and format DateTime information, return the current DateTime, and calculate DateTime-based values.
Attempts to interpret value as a DateTime value.
AsDateTime( value )
The required argument value may be of type Integer, Float, Date, Time, or DateTime.
If value is an Integer or Float, then value is interpreted as a "Julian" value (seconds since Jan 1, 1600). If value is a Date, then the DateTime is initialized to that Date at midnight. If value is a Time, then the DateTime is initialized to that time on Jan 1, 1600.
returns a DateTime value containing the current date, with the current time set to midnight.
Given the date_time value that is assumed to be in the tzFrom timezone, convert it to the equivalent DateTime as represented in the tzTo timezone.
ConvertTimezone( date_time, tzFrom, tzTo )
The ConvertTimezone function syntax has the following arguments.
Part | Description |
date_time | (Required) A DateTime value, presumed to exist in the from_tz timezone. |
tzFrom | (Required) A text value containing the name or abbreviation of the original timezone. If empty, this is interpreted as the Data Management server's local timezone. |
tzTo | (Required) A text value containing the name or abbreviation of the new timezone. If empty, this is interpreted as the Data Management server's local timezone. |
This function attempts to recognize timezone abbreviations (such as "MST" or "MDT" instead of "America/Denver"). However, these variants are ambiguous and should be avoided. View a list of supported timezone names.
To convert a DateTime from 8 A.M. Denver time to UTC, this expression returns 3 P.M. on Jan 3rd, 2015.
ScanDateTime("2015-01-03 08:00:00", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "America/Denver", "UTC"
Returns a DateTime that is the current date and system time.
CurrentDateTime( )
The returned DateTime value is of the form "16:43:46 10 Feb 2020", so if you format it directly using AsText(), you'll get this format. If you assign a DateTime to a field, it will take on the format of the field.
returns the current year.CurrentDateTime() -- DATETIME
returns the number of seconds elapsed since DATETIME (assumed to be a field of type Date). Note that you don't need to use Julian() to subtract DateTimes.
Returns the Date portion of the DateTime.
Date( date_time )
The required argument date_time must be of type DateTime.
Date(DATETIME) = CurrentDate()
tests to see if the date portion of a DateTime field is equal to the current date.
Converts a DateTime to Unix epoch time, expressed in milliseconds.
DateTimeToUnixEpochMillis( datetime )
DateTimeToUnixEpochMillis( datetime, timezone )
Part | Description |
datetime | (Required) A DateTime value. |
timezone | (Optional) A text value containing the name or abbreviation of the original timezone. |
This function optionally attempts to recognize timezone abbreviations (such as "MST" or "MDT" instead of "America/Denver"). However, these are ambiguous and should be avoided. View a list of supported timezone names.
returns the current Unix DateTime in the Greenwich Mean Time time zone.
Converts a DateTime to Windows epoch time, expressed in 100-nanosecond ticks.
DateTimeToWindowsEpochTicks( datetime )
DateTimeToWindowsEpochTicks( datetime, timezone )
Part | Description |
datetime | (Required) A DateTime value. |
timezone | (Optional) A text value containing the name or abbreviation of the original timezone. |
This function optionally attempts to recognize timezone abbreviations (such as "MST" or "MDT" instead of "America/Denver"). However, these are ambiguous and should be avoided. View a list of supported timezone names.
returns the current Windows DateTime in the Greenwich Mean Time time zone.
Formats date_time, using the specified format_string, and returns a text value.
FormatDateTime( date_time, format_string )
See Configuring Date, Time, and Date-Time data types for details on format strings.
Julian (dateTime)
Returns a Float that is the difference, in seconds, between date_time and midnight on Jan 1, 1600.
Julian( date_time )
The required argument date_time must be of type DateTime.
You don't need to use Julian to find the difference between two DateTime values. Subtract them and the result will be in seconds. For example, to find the number of seconds elapsed since midnight Jan 1, 1900 use CurrentDateTime() -- AsDateTime(MakeDate(1, 1, 1900))
returns the number of seconds elapsed since Jan 1, 1600.
Constructs a DateTime from Date and Time components.
MakeDateTime( date, time )
The AsDateTime function syntax has the following arguments.
Part | Description |
date | (Required) Must be of type Date. |
time | (Required) Must be of type Time or DateTime. |
This is useful when building a DateTime out of discrete components.
MakeDateTime(CurrentDate() + 1, MakeTime(17, 0, 0))
constructs a DateTime that is tomorrow at 5pm.
Uses the specified format_string to parse date_time and return a DateTime.
ScanDate( date_time, format_string )
Part | Description |
date_time | (Required) A date-time value. |
format_string | (Required) See Configuring Date, Time, and Date-Time data types for details on format strings. |
If the ScanDateTime function encounters an erroneous DateTime value like 2016-01-01 25:30:00, it will "roll over" the returned DateTime to the correct DateTime (in this example, 01:30:00 02 Jan 2016). If you'd rather treat such inputs as errors, use the function StrictScanDateTime instead. Note that the function StrictScanDateTime uses a somewhat different set of format strings.
ScanDateTime( "2016-01-01 23:30:00", "YYYY-DD-MM HH:mm:ss")
returns 23:30:00 01 Jan 2016.
Uses the specified format_string to check date_time for validity and returns the DateTime if valid.
StrictScanDate( date_time, format_string )
Part | Description |
date_time | (Required) A date-time value. |
format_string | (Required) Note that the required format_string must use the Strict DateTime format syntax rather than the DateTime format symbols used by other functions and tools. |
The StrictScanDateTime function enforces the specified format_string when parsing date and time from a string into a DateTime. If the function encounters bad formatting, or an erroneous DateTime value like 2016-01-01 25:30:00, it returns an error. If you'd prefer to "roll over" such values to the correct DateTime, use the function ScanDateTime instead.
StrictScanDateTime( "2016-01-01 23:30:00", "YYYY-dd-MM HH:mm:ss")
returns 23:30:00 01 Jan 2016.StrictScanDateTime( "2016-01-01 25:30:00", "YYYY-dd-MM HH:mm:ss")
returns an error.
Date-time value | format_string pattern |
Jan 14 2014 04:33 PM |
2014-01-14 04:33:44 |
01/14/2014 at 01:33:44 |
01/14/2014 01:33:44-05:00 |
Strict DateTime format syntax
Use the following symbols to define format_string
parameters for the StrictScanDateTime function. The count of pattern letters and presentation determines the format, as detailed below.
Symbol | Meaning | Presentation | Examples |
| era | text | AD |
| century of era (>=0) | number | 20 |
| year of era (>=0) | year | 1996 |
| weekyear | year | 1996 |
| week of weekyear | number | 27 |
| day of week | number | 2 |
| day of week | text | Tuesday; Tue |
| year | year | 1996 |
| day of year | number | 189 |
| month of year | month | July; Jul; 07 |
| day of month | number | 10 |
| halfday of day | text | PM |
| hour of halfday (0~11) | number | 0 |
| clockhour of halfday (1~12) | number | 12 |
| hour of day (0~23) | number | 0 |
| clockhour of day (1~24) | number | 24 |
| minute of hour | number | 30 |
| second of minute | number | 55 |
| fraction of second | millis | 978 |
| time zone | text | Pacific Standard Time; PST |
| time zone offset/id | zone | -0800; -08:00; America/Los_Angeles |
| escape for text | delimiter | |
| single quote | literal | ' |
The count of pattern letters determine the format.
Text: If the number of pattern letters is 4 or more, the full form is used; otherwise a short or abbreviated form is used if available.
Number: The minimum number of digits. Shorter numbers are zero-padded to this amount. When parsing, any number of digits are accepted.
Year: Numeric presentation for year and weekyear fields are handled specially. For example, if the count of
is 2, the year will be displayed as the zero-based year of the century, which is two digits.Month: 3 or over, use text, otherwise use number.
Millis: The exact number of fractional digits. If more millisecond digits are available then specified the number will be truncated, if there are fewer than specified then the number will be zero-padded to the right. When parsing, only the exact number of digits are accepted.
outputs offset without a colon,ZZ
outputs the offset with a colon,ZZZ
or more outputs the zone ID.Zone names: Time zone names (
) cannot be parsed.
Any characters in the pattern that are not in the ranges of [a
] and [A
] will be treated as quoted text. For instance, characters like :
, .
, #
and ?
will appear in the resulting time text, even they are not embraced within single quotes.
is thread-safe and immutable, and the formatters it returns are as well.
Returns the Time portion of the DateTime.
Time( date_time )
The required argument date_time must be of type DateTime.
Hour(Time(CurrentDateTime(DATETIME))) >= 12
tests to see if the time portion of a DateTime field is in the PM.
Converts a Unix epoch time value expressed in milliseconds into a DateTime value.
UnixEpochMillisToDateTime( millisecondsSinceEpoch )
UnixEpochMillisToDateTime( millisecondsSinceEpoch, timezone )
Part | Description |
millisecondsSinceEpoch | (Required) A Unix time value. |
timezone | (Optional) A text value containing the name or abbreviation of the original timezone. |
This function optionally attempts to recognize timezone abbreviations (such as "MST" or "MDT" instead of "America/Denver"). However, these are ambiguous and should be avoided. View a list of supported timezone names.
returns the equivalent DateTime value for the Greenwich Mean Time time zone.
Converts a Windows epoch time value expressed in 100-nanosecond ticks into a DateTime value.
WindowsEpochTicksToDateTime( ticksSinceEpoch )
WindowsEpochTicksToDateTime( ticksSinceEpoch, timezone )
Part | Description |
ticksSinceEpoch | (Required) A Windows time value. |
timezone | (Optional) A text value containing the name or abbreviation of the original timezone. |
This function optionally attempts to recognize timezone abbreviations (such as "MST" or "MDT" instead of "America/Denver"). However, these are ambiguous and should be avoided. View a list of supported timezone names.
returns the equivalent DateTime value for the Greenwich Mean Time time zone.