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Mainframe formatted sequential file

A mainframe formatted sequential file is a binary image of a mainframe file with variable length records. The COBOL Input tool supports two types:

  • Mainframe V: the data set contains variable-length records. The four bytes preceding the logical record is the Record Descriptor Word. The content is as follows.




Length of the logical record plus the length of the four-byte Descriptor Word.


Usually low values

  • Mainframe VB: the data set contains contains variable-length blocked records. The four bytes preceding the logical record (Descriptor Word) are as follows.




Length of the logical record plus the length of the four-byte Descriptor Word.


The length of the block including four-byte Descriptor Word.

The COBOL Input tool does not support Mainframe VBS (variable-length spanned) records (logical records that extend across more than one block).

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