Multi Join
The Multi Join macro joins up to five inputs on a given key field, using a Cartesian join. The input fields can (and should) be renamed on output using the Input prefix options to ensure that all output fields are unique. This macro outputs a single wide record containing all input fields, including both the joining and non-joining records. Whenever there is a key value that doesn’t join for a given input, that input's record is supplied with an all-null placeholder.
Multi Join macro configuration parameters
The Multi Join macro has a single set of configuration parameters.
Input field renaming
Parameter | Description |
Input1...Input5 prefix | Text to prepend to input field names ensuring that all output field names are unique.
Join fields
Parameter | Description |
Input1...Input5 | Fields on which the inputs will be joined. You may specify up to five fields.
Unjoined record handling
Parameter | Description |
Include unjoined records | If selected, include records that failed to join in output.
Output unjoined last | If include unjoined records is selected, optionally append records that failed to join in output to the end of the data stream.
Configure the Multi Join macro
Select the Multi Join icon.
Go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.
Optionally, select Input field renaming and specify text to prepend to input field names.
Select up to five join fields in the Input1...Input5 boxes.
Optionally, select Include unjoined records to include records that failed to join on output.
If you selected Include unjoined records, you may optionally select Output unjoined records last.
Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.