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Admin: Introduction


The Redpoint Interaction (RPI) System Administration Guide provides installation, configuration and maintenance instructions for IT professionals responsible for implementing the RPI system.

What is Redpoint Interaction?

RPI is a key component of Redpoint Global’s fully integrated solution, which delivers a single point of control to connect customer data and execute marketing campaigns, so customers can achieve the real-time, hyper-personalized experiences they demand.

RPI allows marketers to orchestrate and execute complex multitouch, multichannel journeys or simple one-off campaigns that are designed to engage with customers and prospects across all possible touchpoints.

Dynamic rules and content enable marketers to keep up with each customer’s cadence as preferences, interests and needs evolve.

For more information, please visit Redpoint’s website.

Architecture Diagrams

An RPI implementation can be represented as follows:

Screenshot 2024-03-18 120722.png

An RPI Realtime implementation can be represented as follows:

Screenshot 2024-03-18 121225.png

Each of the elements in the architecture diagrams is discussed separately below.

Key Concepts

RPI consists of Server and Client applications.


The RPI Server consists of a number of services made available via container images, which can be hosted in a container orchestration platform (e.g. Kubernetes). Many RPI client applications can communicate with a single RPI server.

At least one of each of the following services must be available:

  • Execution service

  • Node Manager service

  • Interaction API web service

Optionally the following services may also be made available:

  • Realtime web service

  • Realtime Agent web service

    • Note that the above can be combined into a single web service.

  • Help website

In addition, the following service is used to install, upgrade and manage the RPI Server:

  • Configuration service

Execution Service

The Execution service is responsible for executing server jobs generated by the undertaking of activities in the RPI client application – for example, the testing of an audience or execution of an interaction workflow. It is also responsible for the execution of asynchronous server-side jobs (e.g. catalog synchronization).

The RPI client communicates with the Execution service via the Interaction API web service. Most communication between the Interaction API service and the Execution service is conducted via the Pulse operational database. The Execution service polls the database regularly to pick up and process the next request.

Help Website

Optionally, an RPI server can expose an online version of the RPI Reference Guide via a Help website.

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