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Cache provider: Azure CosmosDB

This section describes how to provision an Azure CosmosDB Cache. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Azure portal by navigating to in a web browser.

  2. Go to the Home section and locate Azure CosmosDB.

  1. In the Select API option page, choose Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL. Click Create.

  1. Provide the required fields in the Create an Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL cluster page. Click on Next: Networking at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Specify the desired connectivity method in the Networking page. Click Next: Encryption (preview).

  1. Choose Service-managed key for the encryption. Click the Next: Tags button.

  1. Add tags for the database. Leave blank if not needed. Click the Next: Review + create button.

  1. Review the settings of the database to be created. If correct, click the Create button.

Once the provisioning of the new CosmosDB database has completed successfully, you can find the connection string from the settings on the left menu by clicking Connection Strings. The primary and secondary connection strings will be shown. These will be required for the RPI Realtime Configuration, along with the database ID. Refer to the RPI Admin guide for additional details regarding this configuration.

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