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Cache provider: Azure Redis

Azure Redis cache provisioning

This section describes how to provision an Azure Redis Cache. Please follow the steps below:

  1. In a web browser, log onto the Azure portal:

  2. Click Create a resource.

  1. Click See more in All services.

  1. Search for and click on Azure Cache for Redis.

  1. Click Create.

  1. Complete the required fields for the new instance of Redis Cache and click Next: Networking.

  1. Specify the desired connectivity method in the Networking page. Click Next: Advanced.

  1. Add tags for the Redis resource. Leave blank if not needed. Click Next: Review + create.

  1. Review the settings. If correct, click the Create button.

Realtime API configuration

This section describes how to configure the Realtime API web application to utilize the Azure Redis caching mechanism. Please follow the steps below.

  1. Open the appsettings.json.config file from the Realtime API web application.

  2. Ensure you have uploaded these two assemblies within the Realtime API web application’s bin directory:

  • RedPoint.Resonance.AzureRedisCache.dll

  • StackExchange.Redis.dll

  1. In the appsettings.json.config file, locate CacheSettings and add the following entries:

 "Caches": [
                  "Name": "AzureRedisCache",
                  "Assembly": "RedPoint.Resonance.AzureRedisCache",
                  "Class": "RedPoint.Resonance.RedisCache. AzureRedisCacheHandler",
                  "Settings": [
                          "Key": "ConnectionString",
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