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CRM configuration configuration

This section describes how to create and configure for use with RPI. Please follow the steps below:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to and click Browse Trials.

  1. Click on Sign up for the Salesforce Developer Edition.

  1. Complete the required details and click the Sign me up button.

  1. Check your email for a ‘verify account’ email, and click the link therein.

  2. Complete the required fields to Change Your Password and click Change Password.

    Screenshot 2024-03-20 151051.png

  3. After setup is complete, you will be redirected to a new Salesforce trial.

  4. To locate the Security token please follow the following steps:

  • Go to View profile.

  • Click Settings.

  • Collapse My Personal Information.

  • Click Reset My Security Token.

  • Check your email and copy security token.

  1. Enable account as campaign members:

  • Go to Setup.

  • On the left menu, search for Accounts as Campaign Members.

  • Click on Enable then Save.

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