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Follow/Unfollow file

This toggle button appears in designer toolbars and panel footers. It allows you to take an interest in a specific file by receiving alerts on the when activities are performed by other users.

The ability to follow a file is available when a file is initially saved.

Note that following or unfollowing a file does not affect its persistence state.

When following a file, email notifications are sent if another user performs any of the following actions:

  • Delete

  • Restore

  • Roll Forward

  • Save

  • Publish

  • Unpublish

  • Interaction:

    • Trigger:

      • Activate

      • Deactivate

      • Pause

      • Restart

      • Stop

    • Activity:

      • Pause

      • Stop

      • Restart

      • Skip

  • Approval:

    • Request

    • Approve

    • Revoke

    • Deny

You’ll receive an email notifications if any of the following actions occur:

  • Interaction:

    • Workflow completes

    • Activity fails

  • Audience:

    • Test completes

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