Landing Page Designer: Page preview
This section is shown to the right of the cell editor section.

It displays a read-only preview of content across all cells in the landing page. Any stylesheets (as defined in the HTML property or at web forms) are applied to give an impression of final rendered content. Any smart assets included in landing page content are rendered using default content (if default content is not provided, no content is shown).
A toolbar at the top of the section exposes the following options:
Show the Preview Window as a Popout: selecting this button displays the Preview section in its own autonomous, floating Window. Full details of this functionality can be found within the email Offer Designer documentation.
View Dynamic Content Previews: this option is available when the landing page has been saved. It allows you to view variations of the landing page due to the inclusion of dynamic content therein.
Selecting the button displays the Preview Landing Page Dynamic Content dialog, which is functionally identical to its equivalent in the email Offer Designer.
Show Preview Parameters: selecting this button displays the Landing Page Preview Parameters dialog, within which you can provide personalized values for any attributes embedded in landing page content, in order to illustrate its final appearance when rendered to a site visitor.
If the landing page contains one or more regionalized text or HTML assets, a Region parameter is shown at the Preview Parameters dialog. By default, the Default asset content is displayed; entering a region code at this parameter displays that region's localized asset content.