Main tab set
The tab set allows you to work upon different tasks by facilitating access to task-specific designers.

When RPI is displayed initially, the Home Page is shown. The tab set is shown when you open a tab. You can open new tabs in a number of ways – for example by:
Clicking on a file in a widget.
Clicking on a widget task.
Double-clicking a file in the Recent Items component.
Clicking on a task in the quick access menu.
The new tab contains an interface tailored specifically to the task at hand – often a ‘designer’ such as the Rule, Audience or Interaction Designer.
Clicking on a tab other than the current tab causes the clicked tab, and the interface contained within it, to be displayed.
You can close a tab by clicking on its ‘X’ icon. Closing a tab causes it, and the interface displayed within, to be removed from the tab set. Note that, if changes have been made in the interface displayed when the tab was closed, you will be asked whether you wish to proceed with saving or abandoning the changes, or abandon closing the tab.
Note that tabs within the tabset are resized in accordance with the text they contain.
The maximum number of tabs that may be open concurrently is accordant with system configuration setting MaxTabsPerClientSession
(which defaults to the value 25). If you attempt to exceed this limit, a warning message is displayed.
Certain interfaces (Preferences, Operations and the Configuration Workbench) can only be open once within the RPI tab set. Others (e.g. the designers) can be open a number of times. However, a given file can only be open once at any one given time.
A context menu is available when right-clicking on a tab.
Close All: invocation closes all open tabs. If any contain unsaved changes, (an) ‘Are You Sure?’ dialog(s) is/are displayed.
Close All But This: invocation closes all tabs except the tab at which the command was invoked. If any contain unsaved changes, (an) ‘Are You Sure?’ dialog(s) is/are displayed.
Use the View open Tabs button, represented by a double arrow icon, to view a list of all open tabs.

You can select an entry from the list to view the tab in question.
The color shown at the top of each tab reflects the color in which the matching interface is displayed within the Quick Access menu. Each section listed therein is associated with a different color. All entries in a given section appear in that section’s color.
You can drag and drop tabs within the tabset in order to change order in which they are displayed.