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My Jobs toolbar


A toolbar is shown at the top of the My Jobs Dialog, and exposes the following options:

  • Change the Filter: invocation of this option displays the Filter My Jobs dialog.

  • Refresh: invocation of this option retrieves details of jobs accordant with the supplied search criteria.

  • Navigation arrows: Use these to navigate through multiple pages of jobs. Only display when there are multiple pages of jobs.

Filter My Jobs dialog

The dialog contains the following:

  • Show Jobs From: allows you to define the time period in respect of which you wish to view jobs. It exposes the following values:

    • Today (default)

    • The past 2 days

    • The past 7 days

    • The past 28 days

  • Types: allows you to filter the jobs displayed in the dialog by type. A list of job types is shown, with each accompanied by a checkbox, all of which are unchecked by default. A note at the bottom of the list clarifies that “When no types are selected, all types are returned in the results”.

  • Start search: select this button to refresh the My Jobs Dialog with jobs that match the supplied search criteria.

  • Cancel: selecting this button removes the dialog from display without applying the search criteria.

Closing and re-opening the Dialog resets any applied criteria to their default values.

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