Offer Designer: SMS
The SMS content panel contains the following sections:

Tab set, containing SMS Options and SMS Survey Keywords tabs.
SMS Content section.
SMS Preview section.
SMS Options tab
Purpose: set using a drop-down field exposing the values Marketing (default) and Operational. An information icon accompanies the field; hovering over the same displays a tooltip:

At SMS offer execution, if Purpose is set to “Marketing”, the opt-out message configured at the SMS channel is appended to the message. The message is not appended if the offer’s purpose is “Operational”. The property is unavailable if you do not have the Offer - SMS Purpose functional permission.
Date Format: you can specify a date format that will be used by all date attributes (whether inserted directly into SMS message, or from an embedded text or smart asset) included in the SMS content. Date format is set using a dropdown, which exposes the following values:
Use custom format: if selected, the [date format] field is displayed and available.
Long date
Long date and long time
Long date and short time
Long time
Month day
Short date: the default value
Short date and long time
Short date and short time
Short time
Year month
The following fields accompany Date format:[date format]: this field is visible and available if Use custom format is selected. If available, provision of [date format] is mandatory.
Example output format: this read-only field displays the current date and time formatted in accordance with the specified date format settings. If no format is provided, an advisory message is shown (this is also the case if an invalid date format is provided). Literals that do not form part of the date format are shown verbatim.
Dates included in SMS offer content are formatted in accordance with Date format settings at:Preview
SMS delivery via an offer activity within an interaction workflow
SMS test
URL Shortener section:
Use URL shortener: this checkbox is unchecked by default. Checking it displays the URL shortener property.
URL shortener: this dropdown list is shown when Use URL shortener is checked. It allows you to select a URL shortener to use with the SMS offer. It is accompanied by an information icon; hovering over the same displays a tooltip that says “Web adapter to be used to shorten any URLs in SMS offer content. Please note that account usage restrictions may apply when using a URL shortener.”
Mobile Messaging Type: this dropdown allows you to specify the type of mobile message that the offer will be used to send. It exposes the following values:
SMS: the default value. If selected, image assets and external images cannot be dragged into offer content.
MMS: if selected, image assets and external images are not supported in offer content.
Note that if you change the property's value from MMS to SMS, and there are image assets already present within the offer, a validation issue will be raised.
SMS Survey Keywords tab
Use survey keywords: this checkbox is unchecked by default. When checked, the Primary and Additional keywords properties are shown.
Primary keyword: this text field, which accepts a maximum of 20 characters, is displayed and mandatory when Use survey keywords is checked. The primary keyword is used during data synchronization to determine which inbound messages to the Twilio number are in response to a given survey.
Additional keywords: this optional property allows you to specify additional keywords to use with the SMS offer. You can use the Add Additional Keyword button to add a new keyword to the list. All list entries must be configured with a value, and must be unique. A Remove option is available at the right-hand Options menu. Additional keywords are used during data synchronization to determine which inbound messages to the Twilio number are in response to the survey and are also to be listed as custom states when viewing offer results.
SMS Content section
The SMS Content section allow to specify the SMS message’s content using a content editor. For more information, please see the Content Editor documentation.
The following specific features are of note:
Insert Link: this option allows you to include an (optionally personalized) link in SMS offer content.
SMS Content: you can enter the SMS-specific content itself in a multi-line field. No default content is provided. SMS content must be provided if the SMS delivery method is supported.
You can also embed attributes within SMS content. Attributes are sourced from the toolbox.
You can embed text assets in SMS content. If required, you can include an external text file. If the SMS channel to be used supports the sending of MMS messages, images assets can be included in SMS content. Other asset types are not supported.
You can also include smart assets in SMS offer content, if the content elements served by the same are all valid URLs. If you embed a smart asset that does not meet these requirements, a validation error is displayed. Assets and Smart assets can be sourced from the toolbox.
Images (image assets and external images) are supported in SMS offer content when Mobile Messaging Type is set to MMS. Such images are represented in the preview with an “<Embedded image: [Asset Name]>” tag.
Content is spellchecked as you enter it. The dictionary used is dependent on your local machine’s settings.
Placeholder attributes can be used in SMS offer content only if exposing system variable values. For information on system variables, please see the Framework documentation.