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Results Window - Invocations

Workflow Instance Viewer Toolbar

When invoked from the Workflow Instance Viewer toolbar, the Results Window displays ‘Results for [Interaction Name] (Instance ID [x])’. Details of the workflow instance in respect of which the Results Window was invoked are displayed therein.

The currently-selected workflow instance’s related activities appear in the workflow activities list. Note that you cannot navigate to the Workflow Instance Viewer from a Results Window that was invoked from the same context.

Audience Instance Viewer Toolbar

When invoked from the Audience Instance Viewer toolbar’s Results button, the following tabs are available:

  • Results:

    • Toolbar:

      • Copy these details to the clipboard

      • View Insights

      • Refresh

    • Activity details panel: this occupies the whole of the tab and is entitled 'Segment Summary Results for Audience ID [x] in Workflow ID [y]'.

The panel displays details of the current audience instance (batch, or interactive activity configured with audience). For each audience segment, the following are shown:

  • Name

  • Count

  • For each metadata attribute, its value

  • Files:

    • Toolbar:

      • Refresh

    • Files: displayed if the audience’s audience definition is configured to produce validation files.

A validation file is produced for each audience segment. Validation files can be accessed either via FTP download or on the RPI server and provide you with an opportunity to gain a preview of the segments that will be generated by the audience during interaction execution.

An audience waterfall report is also made available if the audience definition was configured to produce such.

  • Log: toolbar as per Results tab.

  • Trace log: toolbar as per Results tab.

Specific Activity

When invoked from a specific workflow activity, the Results Window’s contents depend on the context of its invocation:

  • Manual, scheduled or activity state trigger: the instance in question is selected in the workflow instances panel.

  • Recurring trigger: the trigger’s most recent instance is selected in the workflow instances panel.

  • Batch audience, interactive activity, offer, export or control: the workflow instance within which the activity is sited is selected in the workflow instances panel, and the activity is selected in the workflow activities list.

Data Connectors Interface

When invoked from the Data Connectors Interface, the following are displayed at the Results Window:

Batch Audience: named 'Audience selection for connector [Data Connector Name]'. When the data connector is configured with an audience, you can open the audience instance in the Audience Instance Viewer, and view audience insights in the Insights Window. These are not supported when the data connector is configured with a selection rule

Data Transfer activity: named as per the data connector’s name. Note that an Offer activity is shown instead of a data transfer if the data connector is configured to write offer history.

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