RPI Realtime audit
Realtime audit records are written to the Interaction_XX
database table op_RequestAudit
, with a single record representing a day's Realtime activity at an RPI tenant. Audit data is only written if system configuration setting RealtimeAuditEnabled
set to True. The table's structure is as follows:
: more details below.Endpoint
: the number of updates to the data during the course of the day.Requests
: the number of calls to the endpointResults
: the number of results returned; note that this figure may be greater than the number of requests.EntryHash
: a hashed value based on the contents of the row. This is present to ensure that the row's contents are not changed manually.ReportingTimezone
: the timestamp of the first update of the record that day.
The following audit data is persisted in the table:
RequestType Decision
: audit data is imported at execution of the Web events importer system task.Note that Smart Asset endpoint is responsible for the production of audit data.
RequestType QueueListener
: audit data is imported at regular intervals. Queue listener execution at web form submission is also supported. The following endpoints produce audit data:[server]/queuelistener/test
RequestType = WebForms
: audit data is imported at execution of the Web form processor system task. The following endpoint produces audit data:api/formdata
An 'Interaction Realtime Audit Summary ([RealtimeAuditReference]
) email is generated the day after the day specified by system configuration setting RealtimeAuditPeriodEndDay
. The email sent is at execution of the Housekeeping system task if system configuration setting RealtimeAuditEnabled
is set to True and is sent to the email addresses defined by setting RealtimeAuditEmailAddresses
. If no email addresses are configured, no emails are sent. The email contains the following:
'RPI Realtime Audit [month]-[year]'
Reference: as per system configuration setting
.RPI tenant ID
RPI tenant name
Period start date: today - 31 days
Period end date: today.
Days in period: depends on the length of the month and if the end period has changed since the last report date.
Number of invalid rows: a row is marked as invalid if the data therein was changed manually.
Includes decision audits (true/false)
Includes recommendation audits (true/false)
Includes web form audits (true/false)
Includes queue listener audits (true/false)
Hash signature
A zip file attachment is included with the email; its name is “Realtime Audit [RealtimeAuditReference].zip”. The zip file contains a single file (“Realtime Audit [RealtimeAuditReference] [month]-[year].csv”), which contains a dump of the data from op_RequestAudit
on which the audit report is based.