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SMS provider: mPulse


The following channel-specific fields are shown for mPulse SMS channels:



API Service URL

This mandatory text property defaults to the value It can be a maximum of 500 characters in length, and represents the API service URL used to connect to the mPulse service.


This mandatory text property accepts a maximum of 100 characters. It allows you specify a username to be used to connect to the mPulse service.


This mandatory, password-masked text field accepts a maximum of 100 characters. It allows you specify a password to accompany the supplied username.

Account Id

This mandatory text property accepts a maximum of 100 characters. It represents the account ID that will be used to connect to the mPulse service.

Audience list Id

This combobox field is accompanied by an Add button, which allows you to specify one or more audience list IDs. Each can be a maximum of 100 characters in length, and represents an Audience list ID in the context of which all uploaded contacts will be grouped together. Specification of an audience list ID is mandatory.

Event name

This mandatory text property accepts a maximum of 100 characters. It represents the event name that will be used to send mPulse SMS messages.

Content attribute name

This mandatory text property accepts a maximum of 50 characters. It represents the content attribute name that will be used to render SMS content for each subscriber.

Max send threshold

This numeric property defaults to 10, and accepts a range of values from 1 to 10. It represents the maximum number of concurrent send operations that can be executed for a batch of email campaigns.

Channel results

The following offer results are available at mPulse SMS channels:

  • Targeted

  • Sent

  • Send Failure

Creating a custom attribute

Create a list

  1. In a web browser, navigate here.

  2. Select Program Manager.

  3. Input a username and password and select Next.

  4. From the Audience menu, choose Lists.

  5. Select Create List.

  6. Enter a name and description for the List.

  7. Check the Enable SMS channel box.

  8. Enter an SMS Keyword, specified by mPulse.

  9. Select the shortcode to be used for the messages from the dropdown.

  10. Select Add List to save.

Once the List has been created, note the LIST ID associated with this list as that will be used in the configuration of the channel in RPI.

Create an event

  1. From the Programs menu, choose Custom Events.

  2. Select Create Event.

  3. Input a Name.

  4. In the Attributes section, select Add Attribute.

  5. Fill in the following fields:

    • Name: enter the value “Content”.

    • Data type: choose String from the dropdown.

  6. Select Create event.

Create a One-way

  1. Navigate to One-ways from the top menu.

  2. Select Create One-Way.

  3. Enter a name and description.

  4. From the Select Audience dropdown, choose the audience you created in the Create an audience section.

  5. Select Next.

  6. In the content section of the message, enter “##EVENT.CONTENT##”.

  1. In the Set Trigger section, configure the following:

    • When do you want to send this message: Choose “Trigger from custom event”.

    • On occurrence of event: Choose the name of the event you created in the Create an event section.

    • Frequency: Choose “As often as triggered”.

  2. Select Next.

  3. Choose Launch One-Way.

Additional resources

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