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Workflow Instances tab


The Workflow Instance tab allows you to search for current and historical workflow instances within the current tenant’s RPI installation.

It contains a toolbar, Workflow Instances grid, and selected workflow instance details.


  • Export Workflow Instances: invocation of this option displays the Save Workflow Instance Details Windows file system dialog. The default file type is set to Tab Delimited Files, file name to “Workflow Instances [yyyy]-[mm]-[dd]” and folder to the folder in which the client application is currently running. You can select Save to save the workflow instance details to a file or Cancel to close the dialog without saving. The tab-separated file thus generated contains details of all of the workflow instances displayed in the Workflow Instances grid. For each workflow instance, the following information is shown:

    • Interaction Name

    • Trigger Name

    • Last Event

    • Status

    • Initiated By

    • Active

    • Instance ID

    • Host ID

    • Interaction ID

    • Initialized

  • Open the selected Workflow Instance: this option is only available when a workflow instance is selected. Invocation displays the selected workflow instance in the Workflow Instance Viewer.

  • Show/Hide Filters: this toggle button controls display of the filters toolbar. It is selected by default.

  • Refresh: initiates a refresh of the list of workflow instances in accordance with the supplied filter criteria.

The filter options toolbar exposes the following filter options:

  • Filter by Interaction Name: you can limit the list of workflow instances to just those hosted within interactions with names matching a filter value entered here.

  • Show: a dropdown allows you to specify whether to show workflows of all statuses (the default), or just those of a specific status (e.g. Playing, Paused).

  • Last event from: the first date and time from which point workflow instances are to be displayed. Only workflows in which an event occurred after the date will be retrieved. Last event from defaults to 00:00 today.

  • to: the last date and time up to which point workflow instances are to be displayed. Only workflows in which an event occurred before the date will be retrieved. Last event from defaults to tomorrow, 00:00.

Workflow Instances grid

The grid is populated automatically on displaying the tab for the first time, in accordance with the default search criteria.

Following subsequent execution of a search, any matching entries are listed in the Workflow Instances grid. If no matching entries exist, a message is displayed. For each instance, the following properties are displayed:

  • Interaction Name

  • Trigger Name

  • Mode

  • Last Event

    • Date/time

  • Status

  • Initiated By

    • Username

  • Active

    • A true/false flag, indicated using a tick or cross

  • Instance ID

    • Unique integer ID of the workflow instance

  • Host ID

  • Interaction ID

    • GUID ID of the workflow’s interaction

  • Initialized

    • Date/time

Having displayed search results, you can highlight a workflow instance and right-click it to display a context menu. The following options are shown:

  • Open Workflow Instance: displays the instance’s details in the Workflow Instance Viewer.

  • Open Latest Parent Interaction Version: displays the workflow’s parent interaction in the Interaction Designer.

  • Stop Workflow Instance: this option is only available when the workflow instance’s status is Playing or Paused (in either Test or Production mode). Invocation is protected by an “Are you sure?” dialog and stops the workflow instance.

When viewing a recurring trigger that has fired at least once, and has been configured to create a new workflow instance at each instance of firing, invocation of Open Workflow Instance results in the display of a warning (“The selected workflow instance has not yet been created”). In addition, the Interaction Name is shown as blank.

Selected Workflow Instance details

You can highlight a workflow instance in the Workflow Instances grid in order to view read-only related log messages in the selected workflow instance details field.

If required, you can highlight the contents of the field and copy them to the clipboard.

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