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Email summary

The following table delineates the Email summary.

Table name: dbo.EMAIL_SUMMARY

Column name

Column definition

Business rule


Uniquely identifies the email address record. 

Email ID of distinct email from EMAIL


When Y, email address is determined to be undeliverable based on the rules.

(Placeholder until Email QOS FL implemented.) 


When Y, email address is determined to be valid based on the rules.

(Placeholder until Email QOS FL implemented.) 


When Y, active email is defined as one with a transaction or opens/clicks in the past 1095 days.

Set this column to Y when either:

  • Count (*) of records from RESPONSE_EVENT where  RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code in (opened, clicked) and response_datetime is within the last 1095 days is > 0 for this email_id.  

  • This email_id exists in TRANSACTION_DETAIL_SUMMARY.bill_to_email_id where transaction_datetime is within the last 1095 days.


An email domain is the web address that comes after the @ symbol in an email address that is identified by email_id (e.g.,

Select email_domain from ir.EMAIL where EMAIL.email_id = EMAIL_SUMMARY.email_id.


The first date when email promotion that was sent to this email address has been opened. 

Min (RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime) for this email_id and event_disposition_code = opened.


The latest date when email promotion that was sent to this email address has been opened. 

Max (RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime) for this email_id and event_disposition_code = opened.


The first date when a click-through event occurred as a result of promotion sent to this email address.

Min (RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime) for this email_id and event_disposition_code = clicked.


The latest date when a click-through event occurred as a result of promotion sent to this email address.

Max (RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime) for this email_id and event_disposition_code = clicked.


The first date when email promotion was sent to this email address.

Min (CAMPAIGN_EVENT_CUSTOMER_MAP.event_datetime) for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = delivered.


The latest date when email promotion was sent to this email address.

Max (CAMPAIGN_EVENT_CUSTOMER_MAP.event_datetime) for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = delivered.


The first date when email promotion that was sent to this email address has been bounced. 

Min (RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime) for this email_id and event_disposition_code = bounced.


The latest date when email promotion that was sent to this email address has been bounced. 

Max (RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime) for this email_id and event_disposition_code = bounced.


Number of click-throughs generated by this email address during past 30 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = clicked and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 30 days. 


Number of click-throughs generated by this email address during past 90 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = clicked and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 90 days. 


Number of click-throughs generated by this email address during past 180 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = clicked and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 180 days. 


Number of click-throughs generated by this email address during past 365 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = clicked and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 365 days. 


Number of emails opened during past 30 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = opened and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 30 days. 


Number of emails opened during past 90 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = opened and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 90 days. 


Number of emails opened during past 180 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = opened and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 180 days. 


Number of emails opened during past 365 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = opened and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 365 days. 


Number of emails bounced during past 30 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = bounced and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 30 days. 


Number of emails bounced during past 90 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = bounced and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 90 days. 


Number of emails bounced during past 180 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = bounced and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 180 days. 


Number of emails bounced during past 365 days.

Count (*) records from RESPONSE_EVENT for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = bounced and RESPONSE_EVENT.response_datetime is within the last 365 days. 


Number of emails sent to this email address during past 7 days.

Count (*) records from CAMPAIGN_EVENT_CUSTOMER_MAP where event_datetime is within the last 7 days for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = delivered.


Number of emails sent to this email address during past 14 days.

Count (*) records from CAMPAIGN_EVENT_CUSTOMER_MAP where event_datetime is within the last 14 days for this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = delivered.


Number of emails sent to this email address during past 30 days.

Count (*) records from CAMPAIGN_EVENT_CUSTOMER_MAP where event_datetime is within the last 30 days this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = delivered.


Number of emails sent to this email address during past 90 days.

Count (*) records from CAMPAIGN_EVENT_CUSTOMER_MAP where event_datetime is within the last 90 days this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = delivered.


Number of emails sent to this email address during past 180 days.

Count (*) records from CAMPAIGN_EVENT_CUSTOMER_MAP where event_datetime is within the last 180 days this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = delivered.


Number of emails sent to this email address during past 365 days.

Count (*) records from CAMPAIGN_EVENT_CUSTOMER_MAP where event_datetime is within the last 365 days this email_id and RESPONSE_EVENT.event_disposition_code = delivered.


The datetime of when the email was recorded in the database for the very first time.

From EMAIL.original_create_datetime.


Uniquely identifies the original source system for the email record to be created in RPG db.

From EMAIL.original_create_source_code.

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