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Core summaries

This section provides detailed information about Core summaries.

Currently, all summaries are physical tables and columns.

Link to details

Table name

Table description

Data load

Individual Golden Record summary


Best general information about unique (Individual + Business Unit) role, data elements such as profile type, gender, DOB, employee status, preferred language, profile origin, best contact address ID, email ID, and phone ID(s), etc.


  • Individual ID+BU: 12345000001

  • Email ID: 123456

  • Email domain: gmail

  • Profile type: consumer

  • Profile origin: Mobile App

Full refresh (the whole table is recalculated every time)

Run after ContactAuth Summary / Email Summary

Individual Golden Record summary PII


Best PII information about unique (Individual + Business Unit) such as name, standard address, email address, and phone number(s), etc.


  • Individual ID+BU: 12345000001

  • Email address:

Full refresh

Run after ContactAuth Summary / Email Summary

Email summary


Aggregated summaries at the unique Email Address Level (grain email address) that are derived based on the email onboarding and responses to email interactions (opens, clicks, bounces, etc.). Data elements such as last open datetime, last click-through datetime, last bounce datetime, number of times emails were opened/clicked/bounced within period of time.

Full refresh

Individual BU Email summary


Aggregated summaries at the unique Email Address Level (grain email address) and Individual + Business Unit that are derived based on the email onboarding and responses to email interactions (opens, clicks, bounces, etc.). Data elements such as last open datetime, last click-through datetime, last bounce datetime, number of times emails were opened/clicked/bounced within period of time.

Full refresh

Individual BU Suppression summary


Suppression information about unique (Individual + Business Unit) role, data elements such as board member indicator, current and historical bulk buyer indicators, freight forwarder indicator.


  • Individual ID+BU: 12345000001

  • Email vulgar indicator: Y

Full refresh

ContactAuth Email summary


Summarized permission to contact information at the unique Email Address / BU level (distinct email address + BU) grain. The information is derived based on the email onboarding, opt out/opt in events and responses to email interactions (unsubscribe).


  • Email ID: 275265 + BU: email address: for BU 1 auth_code: OPT-IN 

  • Email ID: 275265 + BU:  email address for BU 2 auth_code: OPT-OUT

Full refresh

ContactAuth SMS summary


Summarized permission to contact information at the unique Mobile Phone / BU level (distinct mobile phone number + BU) grain. The information is derived based on the opt out/opt in events. 

Full refresh

ContactAuth Phone summary


Summarized permission to contact information at the unique Phone / BU level (distinct phone number + BU) grain. The information is derived based on opt out/opt in events.

Full refresh

ContactAuth Address summary


Summarized permission to contact information at the unique Address / BU level (distinct address ID + BU) grain. The information is derived based on the opt out/opt in events.  

Full refresh

Customer Account BU summary


Aggregated summaries at the unique Customer Account Business Unit Level.

Full refresh

Run after Individual Golden Record (IGR)

Loyalty Account BU summary


Aggregated summaries at the unique Loyalty Account Business Unit Level.

Full refresh

Run after IGR

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