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Tender (transaction payment) feed layout overview


This topic provides additional detail related to the Tender Feed Layout, including the use of the Feed Layout, how the data is reflected in the database, and how to use the data from RPI.

This section provides the following detailed information:

Feed layout intent

The intent of this feed is to allow for business unit level Transaction Payment information to be available on the Redpoint CDP platform. It captures information like type of credit card (CC) presented at the time of the transaction, and corresponding payment amount, CC token, and CC expiration date.

This feed also has an Extension Feed, similar to many other feeds in the Redpoint CDP platform.

Feed layout areas of consideration

This feed layout allows you to capture a transaction’s payment detail. It can capture multiple payment methods applied to a single transaction as well.

  • Make sure source transaction id matches to Transaction feed data, otherwise data will be loaded into holding schema table.

  • The amount field is available in local as well as global currency.

Extension table

This feed has an associated extension table.

Refer to extension tables for general information about using extension tables.

Identity matching

This feed does not go through the matching process.

Joins from summary tables


Use in RPI

Transaction, transaction payment, and related summary data can be used in RPI to select audiences based on amount fields, product level, transaction type, etc.

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