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Individual BU Suppression summary

The following table delineates the Individual BU Suppression summary.


Column name

Column definition

Business rule


Identifies unique association between an individual and business unit.  

Distinct individual_business_unit_id from INDIVIDUAL_BUSINESS_UNIT (when business_unit_code = org the record is at enterprise level).  


Uniquely identifies the individual record that can be an individual, a prospect, or a lead and represents an integrated view of the individual.

The individual_id portion of individual_business_unit_id.


A code that uniquely identifies the brand and region within the organization. Default value is enterprise

Distinct business_unit_id from PARTY_PROFILE.


When value is OPT_OUT, indicates that this individual at business unit level either has not specifically opted in and therefore cannot be contacted (GDPR) OR has been opted out from any communications across all channels (global opt out).

For individual_business_unit_id within EU (according to GDPR):

  • Check all CONTACT_AUTH_XXXX_SUMMARY tables for any records where auth_code = OPT_IN where either email, phone, or address ID is linked to this  individual_business_unit_id across INDIVIDUAL_BU_XXXX_XREF tables.

  • If no opt in records are found, set this value to OPT_OUT.   


When value is Y, indicates that the person is deceased.

Default to null. 


When value is Y, indicates that a customer's email address contains vulgar content.

Set to Y if an entry in EMAIL found where [std_vulgar_email_ind_1] = Y.


When value is Y, indicates that a customer's mailing address contains vulgar content.

Set to Y if an entry in ADDRESS found where [std_vulgar_address_ind] = Y.


When value is Y, indicates that a customer's name contains vulgar content.

Set to Y if an entry in MATCH_INSTANCE found where [std_vulgar_name_ind] = Y.


When value is Y, indicates that a customer is included on the fraud activity list.

Default to null.

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