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Individual Golden Record summary PII

The following table delineates the Individual Golden Record PII (Personally Identifiable Information) summary.


Column name


Column definition

Business rule


Identifies unique association between an individual and business unit.  

Distinct individual_business_unit_id from ir.MATCH_INSTANCE.



Full name.

Source from ir.MATCH_INSTANCE by individual_business_unit_id. Then join to dbo.PARTY_PROFILE on match_instance_id and group by party_profile_type_code ASC and update_datetime DSC to retrieve the latest record with populated first and last name for customer then prospect. Take first valid for each name component.



A prefix portion of the name (Mr.).



Individual's title (Dr.).



Individual's first name.



Individual's middle name.



Individual's last name.



Individual's suffix name (Jr.).



Email address that has been determined as the best email for this individual/business unit.  

Select email_id(s) and email_address(s) from INDIVIDUAL_EMAIL_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id:

  • IF one record returned, assign this email.

  • IF more than one email has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_EMAIL_SUMMARY on email_id

    • IF only one email found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code, select that email. 

    • IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL (no contact auth rec) join to EMAIL_SUMMARY on email_id  with (max(last_open_datetime);
      or max(last_click_thru_datetime) - email that was most recently opened/clicked else IF email_id is not found in EMAIL_SUMMARY pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_EMAIL_XREF with max(original_create_datetime).                                   



Home phone that has been determined as the best home phone for this individual/business unit.  

Select phone_num from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and phone_type_code = home and deactivated_ind <> y:

  • IF one record returned, assign this phone.

  • IF more than one phone has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_PHONE_SUMMARY on phone_id

    • IF only one phone found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code, select that phone.

    • IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF with max(create_datetime).   



Mobile phone that has been determined as the best home phone for this individual/business unit.  

Select phone_num from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and phone_type_code = mobile and deactivated_ind <> y:

  • IF one record returned, assign this phone.

  • IF more than one phone has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_SMS_SUMMARY on phone_id

    • IF only one phone found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code, select that phone.

    • IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF with max(create_datetime).      



Work phone that has been determined as the best home phone for this individual/business unit.  

Select phone_num from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and phone_type_code = business and deactivated_ind <> y

  • IF one record returned, assign this phone.

  • IF more than one phone has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_PHONE_SUMMARY on phone_id

    • IF only one phone found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code, select that phone. 

    • IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF with max(create_datetime).    



Other phone number that has been determined as the best phone to contact and is not home/mobile/work for this individual/business unit. 

Select phone_num, phone_type_code from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and phone_type_code not in (home, mobile, business) and deactivated_ind <> y:

  • IF one record returned, assign this phone.

  • IF more than one phone has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_PHONE_SUMMARY on phone_id

    • IF only one phone found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code, select that phone. 

    • IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF with max(create_datetime).         


Identifies type of the phone number associated with the individual_business_unit that is other than home/mobile/work that has been determined as the best phone to contact. 



Address information that has been determined as the best mailing address for this individual/business unit. 

Select address_id from INDIVIDUAL_ADDRESS_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and address details from ADDRESS with the same address_id:

  • IF one record returned, assign this address.

  • IF more than one address has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_ADDRESS_SUMMARY on address_id

    • IF only one address found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code, select that address. 

    • IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_ADDRESS_XREF with max(create_datetime).        
























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