Individual Golden Record summary PII
The following table delineates the Individual Golden Record PII (Personally Identifiable Information) summary.
Column name | PII? | Column definition | Business rule |
| | Identifies unique association between an individual and business unit. | Distinct individual_business_unit_id from ir.MATCH_INSTANCE . |
| Full name. | Source from ir.MATCH_INSTANCE by individual_business_unit_id . Then join to dbo.PARTY_PROFILE on match_instance_id and group by party_profile_type_code ASC and update_datetime DSC to retrieve the latest record with populated first and last name for customer then prospect . Take first valid for each name component. |
| A prefix portion of the name (Mr.). |
| Individual's title (Dr.). |
| Individual's first name. |
| Individual's middle name. |
| Individual's last name. |
| Individual's suffix name (Jr.). |
| Email address that has been determined as the best email for this individual/business unit. | Select email_id (s) and email_address (s) from INDIVIDUAL_EMAIL_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id : IF one record returned, assign this email. IF more than one email has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_EMAIL_SUMMARY on email_id : IF only one email found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code , select that email. IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL (no contact auth rec) join to EMAIL_SUMMARY on email_id with (max(last_open_datetime) ; or max(last_click_thru_datetime) - email that was most recently opened/clicked else IF email_id is not found in EMAIL_SUMMARY pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_EMAIL_XREF with max(original_create_datetime) .
| Home phone that has been determined as the best home phone for this individual/business unit. | Select phone_num from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and phone_type_code = home and deactivated_ind <> y : IF one record returned, assign this phone. IF more than one phone has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_PHONE_SUMMARY on phone_id : IF only one phone found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code , select that phone. IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF with max(create_datetime) .
| Mobile phone that has been determined as the best home phone for this individual/business unit. | Select phone_num from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and phone_type_code = mobile and deactivated_ind <> y : IF one record returned, assign this phone. IF more than one phone has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_SMS_SUMMARY on phone_id : IF only one phone found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code , select that phone. IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF with max(create_datetime) .
| Work phone that has been determined as the best home phone for this individual/business unit. | Select phone_num from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and phone_type_code = business and deactivated_ind <> y : IF one record returned, assign this phone. IF more than one phone has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_PHONE_SUMMARY on phone_id : IF only one phone found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code , select that phone. IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF with max(create_datetime) .
| Other phone number that has been determined as the best phone to contact and is not home/mobile/work for this individual/business unit. | Select phone_num , phone_type_code from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and phone_type_code not in (home , mobile , business ) and deactivated_ind <> y : IF one record returned, assign this phone. IF more than one phone has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_PHONE_SUMMARY on phone_id : IF only one phone found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code , select that phone. IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_PHONE_XREF with max(create_datetime) .
| | Identifies type of the phone number associated with the individual_business_unit that is other than home/mobile/work that has been determined as the best phone to contact. |
| Address information that has been determined as the best mailing address for this individual/business unit. | Select address_id from INDIVIDUAL_ADDRESS_XREF that is in the same record as individual_business_unit_id and address details from ADDRESS with the same address_id : IF one record returned, assign this address. IF more than one address has been found, then LEFT join to CONTACT_AUTH_ADDRESS_SUMMARY on address_id : IF only one address found that has OPT_IN value in auth_code , select that address. IF more than one found with auth_code = OPT_IN or auth_code = NULL pick the one from INDIVIDUAL_ADDRESS_XREF with max(create_datetime) .
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