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Transaction discount feed layout overview


This document provides additional detail related to the Transaction Discount feed layout, including the use of the feed layout, how the data is reflected in the database, and how to use the data from RPI.

This section provides the following detailed information:

Feed layout intent

The intent of this feed is to allow for business unit level discounts associated with retail transactions to be available on the Redpoint CDP platform. The feed is used to capture discount information like discount type, discount amount and/or discount percentage, as well as the discount being applied at the entire purchase or item level.

Extension table

This feed has an associated extension table.

For general information about extension tables, refer to: extension tables.

Feed layout areas of consideration

This feed layout allows you to capture a transaction’s discount detail. It can capture multiple discounts applied to a single transaction as well.

  • Source Transaction ID must match to Transaction feed record, otherwise data will be loaded into holding schema table.

  • If Line Item Number (line_item_num) is not provided, the discount is applied to the full transaction vs a specific line item.

  • The Line Item Number (line_item_num) is used to associate a discount to a specific line item in the transaction.

  • If Line Item Number (line_item_num) is used, make sure it matches to an existing and correct transaction detail line item number. If line item number does not match, purchase discount record will go to the holding table.

  • There can be multiple discounts per transaction or line item by using the discount sequence field (discount_sequence).

  • Discount records with a location ID that doesn’t exist will go to the holding table.

Identity matching

This feed does not go through the matching process.

Use in RPI

The specific details of the discounts are not currently available in aggregates, so they are available for reporting and analysis but not as an aggregate available to RPI by default. Aggregates and access to the base discount tables can be provided when needed from RPI.

Use in aggregates

Not used in aggregates.

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