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Transaction header feed layout overview


This section provides details on the Transaction Header feed layout, including the use of the feed layout, how the data is reflected in the database, and how to use the data from RPI.

This section provides the following detailed information:

Feed layout intent

This feed allows business unit level Transaction Header information to be loaded to the Redpoint CDP platform. The Transaction Header feed is used to ingest transactional information from client source systems (i.e., point of sale, call center, order management systems, CRM, web platform, data warehouse, etc.). The Transaction Header feed supports various transaction types for transactions and loads transaction headers into Redpoint CDP.

Transaction Header can be used without also using Transaction Detail if detailed transaction information isn’t needed.

Extension table

This feed has an associated extension table.

For general information about extension tables, refer to: extension tables.

Feed layout areas of consideration

This section includes some additional information to consider when providing data for this feed layout:

  • Anonymous transactions will be ingested into the database (when not enough PII data is provided to identify the customer or no valid Customer/Account/Loyalty Account ID is provided).

  • In order to correctly attribute transactions for analytics or marketing purposes, either valid PII or Customer/Account/Loyalty ID must be included with each Transaction record.

  • In order to correctly market to customers based on purchase history, correct product and location identifiers must be included in the Transaction record.

  • This feed captures Key fields from Party Profile, Customer Account, and Loyalty Account as well, which can be used for assignment of transactions to respective individuals.

  • It allows capture of PII information based on providing Party Profile along with ship to information.

  • Shipping information is not run through standardization or matching.

  • This feed captures amount fields in local currency as well as foreign currency to support multi-region use cases.

  • The global_total_transaction_amount is not a required field although it is recommended to provide it as a minimum indication of the transaction amount; global_total_transaction_amount is the sum of all the line item amounts.

  • Records that have mismatched Location, Party Profile, or Customer/Loyalty account IDs will be placed in a holding table until that data arrives.

Required Fields:

  • transaction_datetime

  • source_transaction_id

  • source_location_id (Location feed layout must be used in order to have the ability to load any transactions)

Identity matching

Transaction feed does not go through matching. The PII associated to the transaction is provided by including the source Party Profile in the feed layout. This will populate the Transaction Customer Map and Transaction Customer PII Detail tables.

  • If Party Profile ID is provided, Individual ID and Individual BU ID will be assigned based on the Party Profile record.

  • If Customer Account ID is provided with no Party Profile ID, Individual IDs will be assigned based on the most recent Individual associated with the Customer Account.

  • If neither Party Profile nor Customer Account ID are provided, the transaction will be treated as anonymous, and no Individual IDs will be assigned.

Use in RPI

Transaction and related summary data can be used in RPI to either select based on amount fields, product level, transaction type, or other details of the transactions.

Use in aggregates

Summaries where the location is used:

  • Transaction_Detail_Summary
    This table is a flattened version of the transaction header and detail along with other information related to the transaction, like location and product information.

  • Individual_BU_Retail_Summary
    This table includes details about the individual and business unit, like the first and last purchase date of the individual for that business unit, for example.

  • Individual_BU_Product_Category_Summary
    This table includes information about the product category that an individual has made purchases from for a given business unit.

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