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Twilio UI configuration

Create a Twilio subaccount:

  1. Navigate to the Account dropdown and choose Subaccounts.

  2. Select Create Subaccount.

  3. Provide Friendly Name for new subaccount.

  4. Select Create subaccount.

  5. Select the newly created subaccount.

  6. On the left side of the screen, navigate to # Phone Number>Manage>Verified Caller IDs.

    • An existing non-Twilio phone number, like the number to a wireless phone or a landline in your home or office, must be validated on your Twilio account, via a One-time-passcode (OTP), before it can be used for specific Twilio account services.

  7. On the left side of the screen, navigate to # Phone Number>Manage>Buy a number.

  8. Select Buy on the preferred number.

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