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AO Date Number Reconcile

Advanced Object (AO) Date Number Reconcile uses a number or date field to identify data conflicts within match groups. It accepts a single input stream, typically the output from one of the matching macros. You specify the Match ID, and either a number or a date field that may identify data conflicts requiring match groups to be split into two or more new groups.

AO Date Number Reconcile configuration parameters

AO Date Number Reconcile has two sets of configuration parameters: Input, and Options.

AO Date Number Reconcile Input tab


Match ID

Required. Match ID linking records. This is usually generated out of a matching process or AO Match Append Info. Default: Blank.

Group count (optional)

Match count field assigned by AO Match Append Info containing total number of members in each match group. Default: Blank.

Reconcile type

Specifies whether a Date or Number field will be used to identify conflicts. Default: Blank.

Date field

If Reconcile type is Date, date field. Default: Blank.

Number field

If Reconcile type is Number, number field. Default: Blank.

Date Options

Max date diff (days)

Maximum difference in calendar days between two "matching" records. Default: 0.

Max year diff

Maximum difference in Year component between two "matching" records. Default: 0.

Month wrap

Allows wrapping around the annual calendar (for example, January matches December with 1 month difference permitted). Default: Yes.

Max month diff

Maximum difference in Month component between two "matching" records. Default: 0.

Day wrap

Allows wrapping around the start/end of months (for example, February 1st matches January 31st with 1 day difference permitted ). Default: Yes.

Max day diff

Maximum difference in Day component between two "matching" records. Default: 0


Checks transposition of month and day fields as appropriate. Default: No.

Date Tests

Check MM/DD

Check if "matching" Month and Day components are within specified differences. Default: No.


Check if "matching" Day and Year components are within specified differences. Default: No.


Check if "matching" Month and Year components are within specified differences. Default: No.


Check if "matching" Month, Day and Year components are within specified differences. Default: No.

Check date diff

Check if "matching" dates are within the defined calendar days. Default: No.

Number Options

Max num diff

Checks if "matching" numbers are within the defined value. Default: 0.

AO Date Number Reconcile Options tab

Source control


The source name, typically assigned using AO Define Source. This is used to determine how many sources are involved in a match group. Note that shorter source name strings are more easily readable. Default: Blank.

Internal dedupe flag

Field containing a Y/N flag indicating whether or not data from a particular source should be compared against itself (deduped) or solely against other sources. As a general rule, master databases are not internally deduped whereas update files are. Default: Blank.

Compare sources not internally deduped

If a matching process has more than one source with the internal dedupe field set to "N", selecting this will compare the two sources. Default: Yes.

Master ID

Final ID generated based on the original ID and whether or not conflicts are identified. If a conflict exists, a new number is assigned for each set of "unique" values. If no conflicts exist, the input Match ID is retained. Default: NUM_DATE_ID.

Master flag

Optionally output a 1-byte field with a Y/N value identifying record groups split due to conflict. Default: NUM_DATE_CHANGE_FLAG.

Configure AO Date Number Reconcile

  1. Select the AO Date Number Reconcile icon, and then select the Input tab on the Properties pane.

  2. Select Match ID and select the field containing the match ID generated by the upstream matching process.

  3. Optionally, select Group count and select the match count field assigned by AO Match Append Info.

  4. Select Reconcile type, and select whether a Date or Number field will be used to identify conflicts within match groups.

  5. If Reconcile type is Date, select the Date field, and specify date options and date tests.

  6. If Reconcile type is Number, select the Number field, and specify Max num diff (the maximum allowable difference between "matching" numbers).

  7. Optionally, select the Options tab and configure source options and output fields.

  8. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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