AO Name Reconcile
The Advanced Object (AO) Name Reconcile macro identifies name conflicts produced as a result of the matching process. It accepts a single input stream, typically the output from one of the matching macros. You specify the Match ID, and one or more name component fields that may identify data conflicts requiring match groups to be split into two or more new groups.
AO Name Reconcile configuration parameters
AO Name Reconcile has four sets of configuration parameters: Input, Name, Options, and Table.
AO Name Reconcile Input tab
Parameter | Description |
Match ID | (Required) Match ID linking records. This is usually generated out of a matching process or AO Match Append Info.
Specify only Name fields that may identify conflicts.
Parameter | Description |
First name | If Contact type is Parsed name, given name (John A Smith Jr).
Middle name | If Contact type is Parsed name, middle name (John A Smith Jr).
Last name | If Contact type is Parsed name, surname (John A Smith Jr).
Suffix | If Contact type is Parsed name, generation name (John A Smith Jr).
Gender | Gender; must be Male, Female, or blank (unknown or indeterminate).
Group count (optional) | Match count field assigned by AO Match Append Info containing total number of members in each match group.
AO Name Reconcile Name tab
Name options
Parameter | Description |
First name score | Match threshold for first name.
Middle name score | Match threshold for middle name.
Fix reversed first/last | Select this if you suspect that your records may have First name and Last name reversed.
Match first/middle | Select to enable cross comparison of first name against middle name.
Ignore middle | Select to ignore middle name in name comparisons.
Female-only matching
Parameter | Description |
Match First only | Select to compare female records using First Name only (ignoring Last Name).
Ignore Middle (female only) | Select to ignore Middle Name in female name comparisons.
Processing Order
Defines the order in which fields are processed, which can affect results. All order fields must be uniquely populated with a value between 1 and 4, even if you do not specify all fields as input.
Field | Description |
First Name |
Mid Name |
Suffix |
Gender |
AO Name Reconcile Options tab
Source control
Field | Description |
Source | The source name, typically assigned using AO Define Source. This is used to determine how many sources are involved in a match group. Shorter source name strings are more easily readable.
Internal dedupe flag | Field containing a Y/N flag indicating whether or not data from a particular source should be compared against itself (deduped) or solely against other sources. As a general rule, master databases are not internally deduped whereas update files are.
Compare sources not internally deduped | If a matching process has more than one source with the internal dedupe field set to "N", selecting this will compare the two sources.
Master ID | Final ID generated based on the original ID and whether or not conflicts are identified. If a conflict exists, a new number is assigned for each set of "unique" values. If no conflicts exist, the input Match ID is retained.
Master flag | Optionally output a 1-byte field with a Y/N value identifying record groups split due to conflict.
Parallel processing
Field | Description |
Parallelism level | Set to the lesser of the number of CPU cores on the Execution Server, or the number of threads configured in the project in which the macro is embedded.
Optimize for large segments | If you receive warnings like "Window Compare segment size for value (06828EAS3135) has exceeded 2000," enable this option. Comparing large candidate groups may reduce matching efficiency. Selecting this option increases the number of records that can be sent to a matching process without slowing processing.
Step results
Field | Description |
Generate All IDs | Generate the individual IDs and flag for each step in the reconciliation process.
New Match ID (1-4) | If a conflict exists, a new Match is assigned to each set of unique values. If no conflicts exist, the input Match ID is retained.
ID Change Flag (1-4) | Option to output a 1-byte field with a Y/N value in it identifying record groups split due to conflict.
AO Name Reconcile Table tab
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
Name alias table | Path and name of optional DLD table used to augment or override the alias values defined within the macro. The table must be of the following form.
Configure AO Name Reconcile
Select the AO Name Reconcile icon.
Go to the Input tab on the Properties pane.
Select Match ID and choose the field containing the match ID generated by the upstream matching process.
Specify one or more name fields that may identify name conflicts in potential matches.
Optionally, select Gender and Group count fields.
Optionally, select the Name tab to configure Name processing options.
Optionally, select the Options tab to configure processing options.
Optionally, select the Table tab to specify an alias table.
Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.