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Complex schema

Definition files

In order to process complex-format files, Data Management needs a detailed definition of the file format. While Redpoint Global Inc. supplies schema definition files for some standard formats like X12 and EDIFACT, users with custom formats must create or provide their own XML schema definition files. Schema definition files are documented in detail in the file Complex_schema_definitions.docx, available from Redpoint Global Inc. Support.

Schema definition files are complicated. We recommend that you learn from and modify our examples rather than starting from scratch. In the Data Management repository, the folder /Samples/ComplexSchemascontains basic example schema definition files, as well as projects that read and write the supported formats.

While relational databases may contain records that are related via data in a variety of topologies, the complex schema file formats that Data Management supports are limited to nested, hierarchical, or tree record structures.


A schema hierarchy is anchored by a "root" record type. This is the record type that always starts a nesting block. For example, this complex delimited file:

100,Some text for a header
101,Ralph Schmidt,123 Main St,Anytown New York
200,Summary note

has the following nesting structure:


The 100 record is the "parent" of all 101 records, which in turn is the parent of 110 records. 100 is also the parent of 200. The nesting hierarchy controls which record may appear at which positions in the file. It also enforces relative ordering (children always follow their parents).

Complex schema examples

The repository folder /Samples/ComplexSchemas contains Complex schema sample projects. Use these to gain an understanding of complex tool use and as a starting point for your own projects.

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