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Complex Text Output


The Complex Text Output tool is able to write a variety of file formats, including:

  1. ASC X12


  3. Custom hierarchical file formats

By default, the Complex Text Output tool has a single input connector and consumes a complex record stream with embedded metadata. It can create and write files using either the FILE name data contained in the file records, or a file name you specify. You may optionally create an additional input connector for importing metadata (separator data) from an upstream process by enabling the Import metadata option. You may also override the schema contained in the upstream data connection and specify a saved complex schema metadata file.

Complex Text Output tool configuration parameters

The Complex Text Output tool has one set of configuration parameters in addition to the standard execution options:




File name source

FILE records: output file names are contained in FILE records in the complex record stream.

Specify below: overrides the file name data contained in the FILE records.

Output file

If File name source is Specify below, the output file name.

Import metadata

If selected, creates an input connector "M" to receive the separator characters defined in the metadata. These are a series of key/value pairs.

Override schema

If selected, use the specified Complex Schema file rather than the complex schema metadata defined in the tool's input. If you both enable Import metadata and specify a Complex schema, the tool give priority to the separator data defined in the Import metadata "M" connection.

Complex Schema file

If Override schema is selected, the complex schema definition file.

Configure the Complex Text Output tool

To configure the Complex Text Output tool:

  1. Select the Complex Text Output tool, and then go to the Configuration tab.

  2. Specify File name source:

    1. FILE records: output file names are contained in the records of type FILE on the input stream.

    2. Specify below: Specify an Output file name directly.
      If more than one FILE record is read from the input connection, successive file names will be generated by adding "2", "3", etc to the specified file name.

  3. Optionally, select Import metadata to create an input connector "M" for importing the metadata (separator data) from the data stream.

  4. Optionally, select Override schema and specify a Complex Schema file to use the specified schema rather than the complex schema metadata defined in the tool's input. If you both enable Import metadata and specify a Complex Schema file, the tool give priority to the separator data defined in the Import metadata "M" connection.

  5. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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