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Configure Data Management for Java


Data Management version 9 includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which creates an embedded Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is used for a variety of tasks:

  • Supporting access to Java-based interfaces.

  • Making new Java-based functions and tools.

  • Enabling the Data Management SDK.

JVM memory

Data Management uses Java for many functions, creating an embedded JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and running Java code in it. If the JVM memory setting is too small, your project can fail with an error. Data Management cannot predict exactly how much JVM memory a Data Management project will need, because this depends on the tools used and the operations being performed.

 All of the following operations and tools require JVM memory:

  • Avro Input and Output tools.

  • Parquet Input and Output tools.

  • Custom tools created using the Data Management Java SDK.

  • Any user-supplied or third-party tools written in Java.

Configure JVM memory

The default JVM memory setting of 150MB is adequate for running on the Data Management servers. Larger data sizes, many files, or specialized Java tools may require more than the default memory settings.

Projects run on the Data Management server use the default JVM memory configuration. This can be overridden for by configuring the Data Management configuration file.

To configure JVM memory

  1. Go to the Data Management installation folder, and then open the Data Management configuration file in a text editor.

You will need OS administrator permissions to edit this file.

  1. Add or edit this line: jvm_memory_mb=JVM memory in MB

  2. Restart the services.

JVM options

 Data Management creates a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and defines a set of options that are appropriate for use by Data Management. This JVM is shared by all tools in your projects, and the defined options are usually acceptable for your Data Management SDK tools as well. However, you may find that you need to specify additional options for use by your own Java SDK tools. The most common case is specifying additional system properties used by Data Management's code or by Java libraries that you call.

Configuring JVM options

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is shared by all tools in a project. 

It is possible to set options that will make the JVM behave incorrectly or cause Data Management to fail. We do not recommend setting any options regarding the fundamental operation of the JVM (memory, garbage collection, scheduling, threads, profiling, and so on). Avoid the -X (extensions) family of options.

Projects run on the Data Management server use the default JVM options. This can be overridden for by configuring the Data Management configuration file.

To configure JVM options:

  1. Go to the Data Management installation folder, and then open the Data Management configuration file in a text editor.

You will need OS administrator permissions to edit this file.

  1. Add or edit this line: jvm_options=JVM options.

  2. Restart the services.

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