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Restart the service


If you make changes to Site Settings or Machine Settings, you may need to stop and restart the Data Management services.

Before restarting the services, you should notify Data Management users so they can save their work and disconnect.

To notify active Data Management users

  1. Start the Data Management client and log in as Administrator.

  2. On the View menu, select Management, and then select Client Sessions.

  3. Contact the users listed under Current sessions.

  4. Check the Projects & Automations list to confirm that there are no active projects or automations.

To restart the Data Management servers on Linux

To stop and start services running on Linux, you must either be a sudo-eligible user, or be logged in as the user name under which you run the Data Management services (or as root).

Issue the following commands, prefaced with the sudo command if necessary:

[root@host ~]$ systemctl stop redpointdm9_wsp
[root@host ~]$ systemctl stop redpointdm9_exec
[root@host ~]$ systemctl restart redpointdm9_site
[root@host ~]$ systemctl start redpointdm9_exec
[root@host ~]$ systemctl start redpointdm9_wsp

To restart the Data Management services on Windows

To stop and start services running on Windows, you must be logged in as Administrator, or as the user name under which you run the Data Management services.

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel and go to the Administrative Tools section.

  2. Double-click Services.

  3. Find the entry for Data Management Version 9 Web Service. Right-click the entry, and select Stop on the context menu.

  4. Find the entry for Data Management Version 9 Execution Service. Right-click the entry, and select Stop on the context menu.

  5. Find the entry for Data Management Version 9 Site Service. Right-click the entry, and select Restart on the context menu.

  6. Return to the entry for Data Management Version 9 Execution Service. Right-click the entry, and select Start on the context menu.

  7. Return to the entry for Data Management Version 9 Web Service. Right-click the entry, and select Start on the context menu.

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